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What Was Your Blog’s Tipping Point?

Posted By Darren Rowse 25th of May 2008 Reader Questions 0 Comments

Over the last ten or so days I’ve been asking a series of successful bloggers what their ‘tipping point’ is. We’ve heard some great stories from a variety of bloggers including:

So there’s the responses of 10 bloggers (plenty to chew on) but I’m interested to hear what YOUR blog’s tipping point/s have been?

Some of you might be thinking that your blog hasn’t had one yet – but a tipping point need not just be those moments when you hit the BIG TIME. As a few of our respondents have said in this series – most blogs have a series of tipping points along the way.

What significant or defining moments have you had in your blogging so far?

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Sorry.. my 2nd comment.
    I find this article especially interesting since I’m currently reading Malcolm Gladwell’s book : ‘The Tipping Point’.
    A lot of similarities thus far.
    Thanks again.

  2. Christina,

    Believe me…there are many first time bloggers who would give their right arm and left foot to have achieve the kind of statistical figures you posted.

    I wish you every continued success.

  3. Tom Vanderwell,

    I would say that you do have a blogging tipping story to contribute to this post.

    What’s really got my attention is your statement mentioning a 200 percent increase in your traffic.

    Do you care to enlighten us on what process you applied to achieve such an increase in traffic?

  4. Reginald,

    I will in more detail, but I don’t have time right at this moment, though thanks for the compliment.

    Let’s say that a 200% increase in traffic isn’t all that difficult when you have small numbers to start with.


  5. I think between posting articles everyday, and having other blogs link to some of the articles was my first tipping point. That is the first the blog I started in this example.

    I would say that people linking was the biggest for me, and I have to be honest that was when I actually started to pay attention to the fact others were reading it! LOL! It was more for a small group, and just kind of grew from there!

    I started three newer blogs this year. One for work at home jobs (which I do myself – work at home), and one recently that isn’t totally up and going yet about learning computer basics. Both of those people suggested I start, because of the help they had received me on those subjects. The work at home one took off, and the computer one I just started! I was giving tips that I showed to others, and they suggested I do this because they like the way I explained it. I barely started that, and already have subscribers. Never expected that. I think I got the leads from my profile! OF COURSE advertisting on the other blogs didn’t help hender that either!

  6. I haven’t hit a tipping point. I have a new blog, but was curious about what makes a tipping point and how to get there. I really enjoyed reading about other successes. It’s a great motivator.

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