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About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. The Web 3.0 article by Jeffry Zeldman is an excellent read. Just like to point out one part i found hillarious. Being a web developer that uses standards and AJAX it appealed to my sense of humour.

    “If Steven created the site with CGI and Perl and used tables for layout, this is the story of a boy who made a website for his own amusement, perhaps gaining social points in the process. He might even contribute to a SXSW Interactive panel.

    But if Steven used AJAX and Ruby on Rails, Yahoo will pay millions and Tim O’Reilly will beg him to keynote.”

  2. I’m not sure if Darren read the Zeldman article because he infact doesn’t talk about Web 3.0 at all but rather only mentions it as a joke at the end.

    The article is actually about Zeldman’s thoughts on Web 2.0. Good read all around.

  3. I read it Chris – sorry, was trying to enter into the humor of it all linking that way but upon reflection I was only amusing myself :-)

    it is a good article though.

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