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Register as a ProBlogger User to Smooth out Commenting Issues

Posted By Darren Rowse 11th of June 2006 ProBlogger Site News 0 Comments

Over the past few weeks I’ve had emails from a number of ProBlogger readers who have had problems commenting here at ProBlogger. Perhaps my spam filter (Akismet) is blocking a few comments that it shouldn’t.

One way around this is to register as a user of ProBlogger here. If you do so and remain logged in you shouldn’t have any problems commenting and your comments shouldn’t need to go through the moderation process either (which some of your comments currently go through – this should speed up that process).

If you’re having no problems commenting you don’t need to register (feel free to do so if you wish to do so though).

If you register you can be assured your details will be kept private.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Strange that you haven’t any comments yet. Perhaps they’re all in moderation? :)

  2. heheh – nah – only just posted it :-)

  3. hi all,

    It is a bit off topic but
    You should really check this out http://paul.kedrosky.com/archives/2006/06/08/90173384_theres.html
    I’m not sure of what Im seeing an adsense check of $901,733.84 for just a blog!

  4. Yes Darren I knew it long time ago, Even SpamaKarma was catching my comments as spam

    So I had register long long time ago.

  5. Wow, that’s much better. :)

  6. T^his points up a little rough spot that ha snever been deaslth with in WordPress. There’s no clear path for a new “registrant”. The application leaves them in limbo and if they try to go to a listed post to read it and thus get themselves into “The Loop”, they get an error screen about insifficient priviledge … one basically has to close the interaction with ProBlogger and come back from a new window, cold. What is the preferred action to take after registration is complete? Have I bene obtuse and missed somehting obvious here?

  7. katiebird says: 06/12/2006 at 12:28 am

    I’ve never had a problem with my comments. They’ve always shown up right away. But, I’ve registered and it went as smoothly as could be.

    I only wish the registration process went that smoothly at my site. I have to manually reset every single password for new users. The autogenerated one doesn’t ever work.

  8. I never had any problem with writing comments here so I am not concerned at this moment. However, due to the excessive abuse of spammers, I guess that sooner rather than later, all the blogs will have to adopt registration only system for commenting. Well, that would be sad day for us.

  9. […] Of course sales sites – sites with ads, as Zafar said – spend more time and money on advertising than “non-commercial” sites. But there are some other aspects of this questions, which are worth mentioning. (By the way, it would be really interesting to see the difference between “ad sites”, “info sites” and “non-commercial” sites. What is About.com? What is Problogger? What is CNN? But this is a whole different story, if not a different blog, I guess) […]

  10. […] Of course sales sites – sites with ads, as Zafar said – spend more time and money on advertising than “non-commercial” sites. But there are some other aspects of this questions, which are worth mentioning. (By the way, it would be really interesting to see the difference between “ad sites”, “info sites” and “non-commercial” sites. What is About.com? What is Problogger? What is CNN? But this is a whole different story, if not a different blog, I guess) […]

  11. My posts have been going up no problem it seems, but I registered anyway. I see a time coming when many good blogs, like this one, will be shut down allowing new commentors. Better get registered with my favorite blogs now….


  12. Louis – that cheque is not for earnigns from a blog but from a dating site.

  13. I haven’t really had a problem posting here in the past, but I registered anyway. If it makes things easier for everyone involved, then I’m all for it!

  14. What about how there’s no subscribing to the comments on the post anymore? I loved that.

  15. Problogger will not currently let us register.

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