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Promote your RSS feed with ‘Add to Google’ button

Posted By Darren Rowse 22nd of November 2005 Blog Promotion, RSS 0 Comments

You can now add a Add to Google button to your blog that will promote your RSS feed to readers to help them add your feed to their Google homepage and/or Google Reader.

found via Steve

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. yesss! Finally :D

  2. Love the way their 104×17 button is just slightly larger than the 80×16 buttons used for the widely used WordPress subscription plugin by Semiologic. Adding the Google button to the plugin takes all of about 10 seconds but leaves Google standing out from the crowd.

  3. humm…don’t you think that was planned by the Google folks to give their button just a smidgen of extra exposure…not so big that it doesn’t fit most blog layouts but just enough to make it, as you say, stand out from the crowd?

  4. I changed the graphic to be the standard size, you can grab it here

  5. While testing my website’s layout after I added this, it seems like Opera has problem displaying the button.

  6. While at the time Google did not have a “how to” and a pretty graphic for it, this feature has been around for quite a while. On one of our sites, MultRSS (http://www.multirss.com), we have allowed people to select Google Reader for well over a month now.

  7. I’ve Added an “Add to Google” Subscriber Feed

    You can find it over there in the left sidebar. This should make it easier for you Google homepage and reader users to keep up with Boys Wear Pants while you’re stuffing yourself with tryptophan over the holiday and while I’m getting carpal tunnel f…

  8. Set some real goals, have some faith and get dirty and do something. I know not everyone doesn’t have the funds to get started, you will if your serious, you can always make some money if you really want to do GET SERIOUS, sell some stuff, grunt work on the weekends, I had to get a second crap job but it’s all worth it, the rewards are FO’ REAL!!

  9. Talk about believe, I can’t tell you the number of times my gf has tried talking me out of trying affiliate marketing. I’ve even decided that I’m no more going to tell her what I’m up to ;-)

  10. Jenny Barnes says: 10/22/2008 at 12:20 pm

    You mention tracking EVERYthing there is to a campaigns… can i know how do you do your tracking?? i having been thinking about my strategy and i think that’s what separate me from the super affiliate and me getting to 5 figure income…

  11. I really like this button. It gives guaranteed traffic from returning visitors.

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