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Google AdSense Optimization Webinar Transcript

Posted By Darren Rowse 11th of July 2005 Adsense 0 Comments

Adsense publishers might be interested in reading this transcript of Google’s recent AdSense Optimization Webinar which was held a week or so ago by Google for their publishers. It’s pretty basic stuff but might trigger some ideas or remind more experienced bloggers of lessons that they’d forgotten.

Here are a few tidbits:

1. Wider ad formats do better:

‘The next optimization tip that I’d like to focus on is ad format. … You see our best performing ad format. It’s the large rectangle, 336×280. So the wider ad formats are doing better than the other ones and the reason is that they actually take up fewer lines. And so with every additional line, you have a chance of losing that interested user.’

2. Ads that Blend do better:

‘The reason the color palette is so important is because it adds to the content and not separate from the content and what happens is, something that we call ad blindness; so the more you blend in with the site, the less chance that ad blindness will occur.’

Pretty basic stuff – but worth a read especially to look at the case studies that they use to see how others are using Adsense.

Read more at Google AdSense Optimization Webinar

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. So, are you going to heed it’s advice?

    I notice you tend towards (on the main page at least) 1 column x 4 rows with the ads.

    If not, why not? ;-)

  2. So, are you going to heed it’s advice?

    I notice you tend towards (on the main page at least) 1 column x 4 rows with the ads.

    If not, why not? ;-)

  3. Oops, dang Opera and it’s caching.

  4. I have see that the more I blend the ads with same link colours etc.- CTR goes down.

  5. […] rate the varying uses of AdSense as well. All in all, it’s worth a perusal. [ via Darren Rowse ]
    by Kevin H. @ 8:17 pm in Blo […]

  6. Can certainly vouch for the wide rectangle working. After adding 2 blocks of the wide rectangle at the very end of each Post .. we’ve seen an impressive jump in CTRs , and funnily enough blending in the URL colours seems to work better for us.

  7. Darren

    I have written an excerpt summarising the main points brought up at the webinar. I hope it’s useful to you.


  8. That transcript you point to is actually from the June 30th Webinar. The August 2nd webinar had the same upfront presentation, but different questions, obviously.

    Until Google gets the latest transcripts, I have tried to capture the questions:

    Aug 2nd Optimization Webinar Q & A Part 1

    Aug 2nd Optimation Webinar Q & A Part 2

  9. Oops, sorry, I thought this was a new post and you were talking about the latest webinar.

  10. This Helped Me a lot.

  11. Thanks for idea abt ad formats

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