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Forget “Content Production”, Think “Idea Exploration”

Posted By Georgina Laidlaw 23rd of January 2011 Writing Content 0 Comments

Since I wrote about creativity, I’ve been considering the issue of getting inspiration for blog posts.

Some who commented on that article said they never have trouble finding post ideas. But others revealed that they really struggle with getting inspiration. Sometimes, they’re struck by it; other times, they have to go out and track it down bodily.

I’ve found that my approach has a lot to do with how many post ideas I have. I wanted to share my approach here, and see if you felt the same way, or take a different approach.

The production trap

The burden of having to “produce” content can be overwhelming to the point where it stops production altogether. Feeling that you need to “produce” to a schedule, or on a regular basis, can make you feel a bit like a machine, and make your content seem like an “output”.

If I take this approach, my writing can become mechanical, my posts formulaic, and my points vague and unfocussed. The last thing I want to be is a content sausage-factory, but if I take a “production” philosophy, that’s how I wind up feeling—and it shows in my content.

The exploration goldmine

The “production” approach doesn’t work for me, but the “exploration” approach does.

I find writing posts is a great way to explore the ideas that are on my mind. You probably started your blog because you have an interest in your blog’s topic. What aspects of that topic are on your mind? What elements are you curious about? What areas within that field annoy you, and why?

These kinds of considerations are precisely what inspire me to write. I look at what others are doing and saying and creating, and I reflect on that—maybe not immediately, with a pen in my hand and notebook open, but over time. I let these ideas, motivations, and questions filter, settle, and develop in my mind. They’re always there—we’re always thinking, right? Then, when something really starts to stick in my conscious, I write about it.

Your blog is the ideal place to explore those ideas that are rattling around your mind. Rather than “producing posts”, you might find it helpful to think of your blogging as an opportunity to:

  • formulate disparate thoughts into coherent concepts
  • advance your own theories
  • suggest alternative viewpoints or approaches that have occurred to you
  • see if your readers agree with a hunch you’ve got
  • invite readers to help shape your perception, idea, or viewpoint

This post is an example of exactly that. As I mentioned at the outset, this idea—of post writing being a way to explore and develop thinking on a topic—has been sifting through my mind ever since I wrote that post on creativity. There are many half-formed, embryonic ideas in my mind, as I’m sure there are in yours, and this one has finally surfaced as something that I wanted to get a second opinion on.

So here I am, posting about it, in the hopes that you’ll share your thoughts on using your blog to explore and develop ideas in the comments. I’d love to hear them!

About Georgina Laidlaw
Georgina Laidlaw is a freelance content developer, and Content manager for problogger.net. You can find her on Twitter and LinkedIn.
  1. Its very hard to produce well written articles on schedule. I only write when I get inspiration. (about 3-4 time a week)

    • Hay Akos,

      When you say “Its hard – it becomes harder”. Well, I can write throughout the day without any problem because I loving writing..

      If you will love something….it becomes easy….

      • Hi sumit,
        Yes, I agree. If you love to write its easy to write. But you have to also promote your blog. Both of them take time.
        But you have a pretty valid point there.

    • I call it “writing for discovery”. Sometimes I write to figure out an answer I need in my own life. Sometimes I read a concept somewhere and write to explore what I think about it and how it applies in my version of life. I really like “idea exploration.” Thanks for that shift in awareness.

  2. In my previous blogs (I’m going through a revamping now), I found ideas through asking questions of the audience. As much time as I spend observing, reading and being involved in conversations, the mind can only be sparked by how broad our environment is. Beethoven took walks outside for his stimulation, not holed up in a room all day. Darwin didn’t travel just to the Galapagos to observe and develop his thoughts. He went to other areas for their diversity. People are curious by nature and many still retain the childhood “But why?” inquisitiveness. Sometimes, providing something unexpected or outside your niche in a post can generate many questions and responses. Rather than use a stock photo, grab a camera and shoot something on the ground you didn’t expect, in the park or at a shopping center; shoot for curiosity. Tell your readers what about it struck your curious chord then turn it around and ask them the same. See if they think a blog could be created just from that subject. Perhaps not, but I bet the responses will generate enough ideas for many posts.

    • You have some really great ideas there Brad, particularly the one about taking your own unplanned photos. A good way to find inspiration would be to ask questions on social media; Facebook and Twitter especially. The responses will definitely help you.

    • I think you bring up some great points here Brad. I think when we narrow our focus too much, we close out the potential of finding inspiration in those unexpected places. Retaining that sense of childlike wonder about things and continuing to ask the “But why” question often can generate a lot of insight that then we can share in turn.

  3. This is awesome – particularly where you said ‘advance your own theories.” I love it!

    You’re right. If your mind goes “I have to post, everyday, by 11:00 you may fall into a mechanical system of just posting nonsense, or the same old stuff.

    Idea exploration is definitely the way to post. I’m a fan for content that LITERALLY no one else is talking about. Good post, as usual.

    • My friends, nothing is nonsense…neither posting nor exploring ideas……

      It’s all about doing what we like…

  4. Hi Georgina,

    Well, I think thoughts converts into ideas and ideas becomes thing. I ‘have seen website and blogs having 6200 or more articles receives 80 % less traffic than blogs with 500 articles. What does this means ? Ya! right, it means quality does matters the most. On the other hand, I have seen, a single idea, making the break through in this complicity of blogging.

  5. I agree with this – idea exploration works much better for me than producing to a schedule. But there are also two things to consider when doing this.

    Make sure you’re immersed in the culture you’re blogging about so that you’re continually inspired. It’s difficult to come up with new ideas if you’re too focused on writing instead of looking for things to write about.

    Make sure you keep a good stock of drafts, even if they’re one line entries or titles or hyperlinks – something you want to save for later. That way they don’t get forgotten and you can go back to them with a fresh perspective and finish the post.

  6. My photojournalism professor says “professionals constantly produce work, amateurs wait for inspiration.” he talked about photographing, but I think this applies to blogging too.

    I recently did a blog post on blogger’s block, which is nothing more than some sort of fear in disguise. This is information age, so much information floating all around you that “I don’t know what to write about” is not an excuse. Blog about something, Google your topic and see what others are talking about.

    “inspiration” is nothing more than just another way to procrastinate. :)

    • I’ve heard the same concept over and over again in writing classes that I’ve taken over the years Viktor- if you should up and do the work, the ideas will (in theory) flow. That does mean though that sometimes you have to drudge through some dull and uninspiring writing before finding the gold to share- that does require a perseverance in addition to getting around the fear aspect.

    • Zach Dexter says: 01/23/2011 at 8:24 am

      I’ve heard this concept over and over as well.

      In my experience, procrastination stems from the fear that I might be wasting my time. It’s no fun slogging through a blog post out of a sense of duty, when you’re not confident that what you’re writing is going to wind up being any good. It doesn’t make any sense to post crappy content just for the sake of posting something.

      I realize logically that’s just a lame excuse, but in my mind it sometimes seems not so lame.

    • I’ve also heard this before, applied to writing fiction.

      I think, in general, all creative endeavors are bound together by a subset of rules that no artist can really break. The real artists know it’s 90% perspiration, they know the real artists will be working, even if they have no ideas, and they know that the first time is going to suck almost every time.

      It’s good to remember that no matter our niche and skill set, we’ve all got a basic idea of what it’s like.

  7. You articulated what I’ve been feeling since I decided to blog more regularly and exercise my writing muscles. The most inspired posts come from a connection I never noticed before or an idea that was swirling around in my head for a few days. I find myself having more ideas when I don’t think in terms of production or quotas. If I don’t think an idea is ready, I wait. Usually it turns out better when I’ve had time to consider it further. Sometimes I see a different connection altogether. Having a conversation with the reader makes it all worth while to share ideas and viewpoints. Thank you for sharing this great post!

  8. Thanks for the post. I don’t post every day — about 3x/wk — and usually write in spurts, several posts in one morning. I’m usually scheduled out a couple weeks. I’ve found simply carrying around a little notebook — a Moleskine like the great authors used — and write down quick observations. About half of these ideas turn into posts.

  9. Truly go with the point of Inspiration and Exploring. You cannot bear fruits until you don’t do research! :)

  10. I agree with Akos about writing articles on a schedule. It’s easy at start but hard after. But I understood from this article the fact that I need to use more often the ‘exploration’ type to discuss on my own blog for sure I in order to find more easy subjects to write about.

  11. Getting ideas isn’t something I ever have a problem with. I’m coming up to my 100th post real soon and the ideas are still coming thick and fast. My problem is getting the time to write everything down – and the fact that I suffer with carpel tunnel syndrome doesn’t help either!

    Here are a few tips which might help those who do get stuck for inspiration:

    1) As soon as you get an idea – jot it down. I keep the Evernote app on my iPhone and on my PC so whenever I get an idea, that’s where it goes. It isn’t unknown for me to wake up in the middle of the night, reach for my iphone and add in new ideas.

    2) Look to your blog stats for inspiration. Look at Blogger / Stats / Traffic Sources and scroll right down to keywords that people are searching for. This should give you an idea of what people might want to read about. Also which are your most popular posts? Can you write more on those themes?

    3) When people contact you or comment on your blog – can you use this as a basis for a blog post? I turn all of the questions people ask me into a short Q and A series every week for my blog – withholding all personal info.

    4) Get ideas from forums you visit on your blogging subject. I get lots of ideas from forums and I make notes for future reference that I can do on a particular subject. Again – if people are asking questions in a forum, they want to read about solutions.

    5) Mind mapping can generate some areas you might have missed. Start with a large sheet of paper or a white board and write down your blogging subject in the middle. Mine is Kindle. Then draw arrows away from this to write down areas related to the subject ie: reviews, accessories, ebooks, news, audiobooks, travelling with, kindle apps, note-taking, rss feeds … Then take each of these and drill down again. EG: accessories – leather covers, waterproof covers, lights, skins, vegan covers … And there must be some areas which you’ve missed or haven’t covered in depth yet.

    Sorry this turned into a mini-article but ideas are one thing I don’t get short of so I hope I can offer help to other people.

  12. For me the struggles “were” two fold;

    1. Everything that came to mind had already been done

    2. Unless you’re an A List blogger with a huge following, your writings have little monetary effect (if that’s your goal)

    Writing for the sake of writing is a passion but when you’re writing to achieve specific goals, especially goals that need to equate to financial gain, I think blogging for most of us is a slow, if not futile, way of getting there.

    I just wonder how many people realize this?

    Since switching styles (eons ago) writing has become a means to an end for me, I no longer write for the sake of blithering, I write specifically to capture organic traffic, buying traffic that is and that in itself gives writing a new purpose for me, one with reward.

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying everything I write is sales copy, in fact most things I write is not a form of sales copy… it simply means a portion of my writing is based on keywords that “attract” people who are looking for what I sell.

    I know readers here share a passion for writing, as I do, but I learned a long time ago blogging in the hopes of making money is a long (likely unsuccessful) road for the majority of folks who think otherwise.

    Georgina and company, I mean no disrespect whatsoever, I’m simply saying if you don’t know what to write about, do some keyword research and write based on the premise of getting “between” buyers and solutions. This gives you a new reason to write, and for me, was the end of writers block.

    If you have nothing to sell, or don’t want to sell someone else’s stuff, develop something, a product or service you can dig your teeth into, be proud of, and you’ll quickly see how easy it becomes to write when you’re writing about a real problem solving solution with value, that you own.

    I guess in the end, my solution to writers block was to first create something to write about.

  13. I absolutely agree that with writing you can explore some additional post ideas. This is a very good way to keep your website updated with good and quality posts.

  14. I agree with you totally, ya can’t just look at readers as some sort of computer that you have to put a code into and then BAM you get the result you want (which is them enjoying and finding value you your material).

    You have to put some part of your humanity into the writing, to let YOUR voice out and give the reader some sort of image as to how you would actually talk in real life.

    I see some of the blogs out there where they just write and write and write, and where the hell is the humor…it’s like they’re taking it and themselves way too seriously and it all reads too technical…making me yawn. That only inspires nothing but people leaving comments to spam you THEIR blog or website on that post.

    To add to this post, I’ve found it easier after writing for a bit to actually write more, now my words seem to come out smoother and with less of me thinking “should I say that…what are they going to think of me if I…” just be yourself and try to get to a point, through practice, where the words just flow out of you as you think.

    It becomes easier…just like anything else…with time.

    Thank You for the post and for being genuine with us,

  15. when I’m stuck I switch the format of my thoughts. It’s easier for me to express my thoughts through pose than narrative. Once I’ve stated my feelings in prose it gives my narratives more rhythm

  16. I’ve found that writing a chunk of posts first then scheduling them with an editorial calendar works better for me then scheduling ideas and trying to produce posts that don’t feel forced.

  17. hey thanks for this post ,it has opened my eyes i am one that finds it hard to write content and get really
    frustrated to the point where i would just pay someone just get rid of the headache i was getting ,I never thought of writing from that point of view,thanks

  18. I really like the concept of the exploration goldmine Georgina! I’ve started incorporating some visual mapping into my brainstorming (as opposed to just trying to write and clean it up later) and it has been helpful in pulling out ideas that may have gotten lost in trying to write words down right away.

    I think there can be a sense that the post has to be polished with a complete linear order of thinking in order for it to be “good” or worthy of sharing. So we don’t go down some rabbit holes because we don’t know yet where we might end up. If we consider using our blogs as a way to shape the discussion and as a means to discover new things together with our readers, that feels less like work and more like fun. (A big win-win in my mind.)

  19. I can relate to this from my own experience. I am not “a list blogger” but I am blogging for 5 years. I never viewed my articles as “content” to begin with. That concept came with Google and when people figured out that they can earn a lot of money for not that much of a work.

    It’s sad that we have that many bloggers that are going only to do it “for the money”. I am a big fan of monetization I will not lie, but whoever thinks that he will earn a bick, just because he is blogging, is indeed in a deep trouble.

    Good bloggers achieve because of good content. Back than when I had 0 readers I just enjoyed expressing my own opinions and ideas. And I will continue to do so.

    Anyone who is trying to appeal the masses will loose authenticity, the very thing that readers are craving for.

  20. I agree with much that has been said already. Many tasks are made easier or harder depending on the mindset with which you go at them, and some of it relates to personality too. Some people who are more mechanically or task oriented may be very comfortable with “producing”. Others will like the term “create” better because that’s a better description of how they prefer to work at lots of things. So one other tip would be, if you’re feeling anxious about a task like writing, step back and see if you can figure out why you’re thinking negatively about it vs. another task you don’t mind doing. What’s the difference in your view of the two and can you shift your perception about the writing task so you don’t dislike it as much, or maybe even learn to enjoy it?

  21. I agree, If you love writing it comes to quite easy. You just have to keep if fresh and interesting for people to read. I write about karaoke on my blog, (blog.phatkaraoke.com) and everything to do with karaoke. Everyday I have a new topic on karaoke to talk about, like the people and the songs, etc. it’s enjoyable to write about it, that’s why I love writing

  22. A great article, well i never find any problem while writing any article as i never go run out of any topic. I have chosen my niche according to my interest and without any thought i will write any number of articles on it. Blogging is all about sharing knowledge and dominate the niche with your knowledge

  23. Hi Georgina, when you write “I let these ideas, motivations, and questions filter, settle, and develop in my mind.” reminds me of the definition of poetry according to William Wordsworth who, in his famous preface to the Lyrical Ballads, says “poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquillity: the emotion is contemplated till, by a species of reaction, the tranquillity gradually disappears, and an emotion, kindred to that which was before the subject of contemplation, is gradually produced, and does itself actually exist in the mind.”
    This should be the process for any great content production, isn’t it?

  24. I try to write posts on my blog that focus on the question “What is good?” about various matters of public consumption, use, attitudes, and concerns. I get a lot of compliments about the clarity of my writing, and I think that most of my viewers find my posts to be interesting. But I don’t get a lot of legitimate comments. Most of the viewers that I attract don’t seem to be interested in discussing this question about anything. The average view is about 4 minutes in length, so I know that some viewers are spending some good time on my blog. I think that I have plenty to write about and that there is plenty of public matters that need to be evaluated and discussed, so I don’t expect to run out of topics or concerns to address. I even have a blog about “good ideas”, but even it has generated only one simple comment. If you are going to write blogs, it probably will give you some peace of mind to have a realistic perspective regarding what you expect from it and how you expect viewers to respond. I think that there is a tremendous amount of competition from the social media, and the blog platform is not the easiest one from which to attract an audience. But I’m going to keep trying.

  25. Great approach! I’m just starting, just finished your book. Even though I am a novice to blogging, I can’t imagine it done any other way.

  26. This is precisely what I came to Problogger for this evening. To get some posting ideas for my next month. And, hey, what do you know?

    A posting on that very topic!

    Thanks a lot. I would ask more questions, but my blog viewership is still pretty low.

    • I do precisely the same thing .. visit blogs and read their comments. It is amazing how much inspiration you can find there.

      How about finding a blog post that you like and sparking a conversation between your blog and their blog by commenting and perhaps leaving a little challenge behind, then going and writing a blog post on the topic of the challenge? Not only have you found your post inspiration but you have added to your networking by participating in a conversation.

      Darren talks about this in 31DBBB when he talks about linking to other articles from your own. I picked up that idea and read more about it then wrote my own article on blogging conversation. From that one article I expanded into another 2 articles with more waiting to be written.

      So in the spirit of prodding those of you who are wondering what to write, I challenge you to find a comment or post that you can use to stimulate a blogging conversation.

  27. Maybe it’s because I only blog part time, but it seems I never run out of ideas of things to blog about. Of course, I’ve only recently (last couple of months) really started blogging in earnest, so maybe that day will come when I start running out of ideas or start getting mechanical–or something like that.

    What I have been doing is whenever I have an idea, I write it down. Then when I am planning to write a post, I look at my list and pick something. Some ideas do roll around in my head for a while before I get around to writing them down. Sometimes I will write down an idea, but then not use it for weeks while I try to sort it out. Then suddenly it will fall into place and I will try to find some time to write it down between loads of laundry and meal prep. Yeah, being a mom blogger has its own unique challenges!

    • Unless you are promoting a SPECIFIC business or product, generally I think if you have a hard time coming up with things to say, maybe blogging isn’t for you. Blogging just does require ongoing content production and if it’s not your thing, there are other ways to share ideas.

  28. Depends what your blog is about. When you cover more “news” stories then you have regular stuff all the time that you can write about. When you need to dream up topics then it becomes harder.

  29. I definitely identify with the ‘exploring ideas’ as I will occasionally discuss my game designs on my blog, things that are still in protoforms in my mind that get better fleshed as I write about them. And some of them have netted some great feedback that lets me tune the things I’m working on for their intended audience.

  30. An article topic needs to be well researched. If you have a professional blog, as I do, you basically hardly ever run out of topics. On the contrary, there is too much to write about.
    Readers like well researched content. Secondly, carry out some interviews with people and write about them. Even about daily life. Furthermore, I recommend polls where you ask your readers in what they are interested in. I am also getting quite a few e – mails with question which I mention in my blog.
    In case you write about daily life: Just sit in at cafe, look around and listen to what people talk about. This way you get ideas but it also leads you to further ideas. And why not putting in a simple photo you took and write about that ?

  31. Hi,

    I would say it takes more than to come up with idea for great unique and quality content. It will take you a few hours or a few days to come up with a great idea title. The rest are easy.

    I feel you only write when you feel like too rather write for the sake of putting up rubbish on your blog everyday.

    You will lose lots of traffics in long term.

  32. Seems that everyone finds it hard to do stuff ‘that they have to do’, so much more fun 2B had doing stuff you WANT to do. So you gotta have the fire, the passion, the deep down gut feel, the want to help, to inspire, to ask, to write.

    A chef may not want to get up in the morning – but he LOVES food.
    A sailor may want to stay home – but he LOVES the sea.
    A doctor may want a day off – but she LOVES making people better.

    What you do want to do with your talent, so much that you’ll do it anyway?

  33. Creative thought and exploring it have been on my mind a lot lately, possibly because my main blog is more non fiction and I struggle to write in a way that grows that blog, it seems the readers there like the facts – it helps them make a decision.

    I think the lateral thinking tools bandied around last century are excellent tools for bloggers, they put the creative juice in content everywhere.

  34. hi there,

    I totally agree. This is a great idea. I am currently studying my art MA and find that discoveries, ideas and the art practice can be explored on the blog as they come bubbling up to the surface. The blog is a great platform to share, muse upon and ask opinion in these areas :)


  35. I (also) agree with the merit of exploring ideas and concepts in blog posts, and I love the whole process of researching new subjects. In fact finding topics to write about is rarely a problem for me, but because I personally have a wide range of interests I find at times I have to pull myself back in by asking the question “ok, now why would my readers care about this?”

    • Georgina says: 01/24/2011 at 9:56 am

      I know what you mean, Marquita. Sometimes you can find a way to make the idea relevant, but sometimes the idea you’re looking at just doesn’t fit the audience.

  36. Idea is very important as many bloggers now are saying the same things :-)

  37. So far I’ve not run out of ideas as I’m by nature a curious, creative and all-over-the-map person. I could write by formula and schedule but in the end those posts will probably sound contrived and forced. Though I’m open to reader suggestions, I go after what interests ME, what I want explore—that’s when your voice will sound passionate and your personality is revealed. Anything less than passionate will lose readers. The freedom we have to post what we want, when we want, helps keep one from experiencing routine, drudgery and the weight of obligation and duty—wet blankets to my creativity.
    I chose a blog topic that has lots of avenues and sub-topics. My hopping around with topics may be counter to branding, but I think I would get bored otherwise. Readers may enjoy that every post is going to take them somewhere new—surprise package. I do, however, consider what the previous post or two was and ease into alternative topics,i.e. I am trying to make gradual curves to new topics rather than sharp turns.
    To further idea-generating and commentary, I regularly look at newsfeeds in my various categories and report relevant news to readers—even writing about things I think they SHOULD be concerned about to enlighten them.
    Right now I am blogging as a creative outlet, excuse to learn, and excuse to teach, and create a community for me. In my case, if I were to write only what I perceive readers want or for seeking high stats by routine—I think that’s when the blog risks losing luster.

  38. Hey Darren,

    The approach you are recommending is great for reducing the pressure for posting. When I realized this, it let me off the hook for knowing all the answers, which of course I did not have. I discovered if I waited too long to put all the right answers together, I would not get that post written.

    It is also a more humble approach and invites your readers to move along with you. It avoids the sometimes annoying approach of being perceived as a know it all. I do think it is much better to write as if (and you are) exploring a topic. This gives others an opportunity to add their two cents and open the door for you as a blogger to let your ideas develop. It also allows you to start writing even though your ideas may not be fully formed. Truthfully, if bloggers think their ideas are fully formed, it will probably come out as arrogant or stuck up. This approach usually does not work well with readers. Presenting yourself with humility will more quickly gain for you the title of expert and gain many more readers.

    Ghandi, one of my heroes, was a very humble man and in his lifetime his ideas inspired ideas and positive social change in the lives of millions. His words and example continue to do so long after his death. This is the dream for my blog and working on my inner self is part of my blogging practice. I have not yet arrived, but your comments about exploration resonate with me. This is certainly an approach that I strive for.

    Thanks Darren and it is good to see one of your posts. I have been missing your posts. I have enjoyed many of the guest posts, but I come back and participate when I see I am treated with an original Darren post.

    Take Care,


  39. Georgina! This is EXACTLY what I am struggling with today. I never have trouble finding blog post topics…but sometimes I’m not sure where each of the posts should fit in…or how i should couch the topic in a way that will serve my readers. I think what you are saying is that sometimes you need to serve yourself by writing ‘outloud’ about your confusion or indecision and that in itself will resonate with others and build community.

    Great post…

    Amy Parmenter
    The ParmFarm

  40. Hey Georgina,

    I can’t tell you how much I loved this post. Just reading this got me excited to go home and write a new post. It makes it seem so much more fun to explore ideas than produce content.

    Thank you.

  41. Georgina,

    Most of the times I have idea about what to write, but don’t have time to cover all the topics I want.

    However, when I find an idea that I really consider worth to share, I start to write about it.

    I consider important that each time when you have a good idea, note it and create a document with all those notes. And when you feel stuck, you can come to that document and get a subject to write about.

    It all depends on how people organize their ideas.

    That’s my take on the story.


  42. I need to seriously start blogging. xD

    I can write for days on end….been writing for so many years, just comes natural to me.

  43. Hi Georgina – I’ve read a few blogs over the weekend about sharing ideas. That’s a different mindset than needing to write a post on a specific topic just because you have to. Ideas are a bit more personal and free flowing – even creative… I like the feel of that mindset.

    Thanks for the inspiration : )

  44. the lack of ideas can’t be solved on…google?

  45. I see where you are coming from. What is being said is that telling yourself that you “have to” work makes you work less. Instead, think of it as a less pressured “suggestion” and you will get more done.

  46. Just a little bit ago I was looking at the blogs I wrote in the beginning. I wanted my blog to talk about items I was selling on e-bay. It wasn’t till I personalized my blog that I really started to see something happen. My blog isn’t overly popular yet but I’m having fun and I have had a few companies ask to promote them. The first time that happened I was over joyed. Now I find my joy in not just what I’m exploring but the art and presentation of my blog. I’m having fun and that is what is important. I do want to make money but I don’t want it to become drudgery either.

  47. Hi Georgina!,

    Awesome post!, I’m going to start exploring more ideas and making sure I note them down!…

    Have a nice day,

    David Edwards

  48. Thank you. That was very thought provoking.

  49. Hey Georgina, this is a great post! I love to do this as well. I tend to sit on ideas for a while before they become fully-formed and post-worthy. Just last week, I explored the idea of “Is Mountain Biking Really all that Green?” In a short 2-part mini series. In the first post, I talked about some of the potential environmental issues I see in the sport of mountain biking. In the second, I covered what I think some of the best potential solutions are for those problems.

    Those thoughts had been sitting in the back of my mind (and in my notebook) for literally about 2 months… and then it was finally time to write about them!

    Thanks for this post!

  50. I love this Georgina :) Right now on my blog I’m trying to do something ambitious — a photo of the day and post for the day for the entire 2011. This has been giving me so many blogging ideas because I either explore what’s on my mind, or talk about a memory triggered in the photo. I’ve done a lot of travel at this point in my life and I often forget little bits and pieces until I start exploring different subjects. It’s been a great exercise over the past 28 days.

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