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About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. I find the selection process for speakers at such events to be kind of odd. Wouldn’t you think that a great panel would be all of the people who were winners in “best blog” polls, like the Performancing one? After all, that’s a sign of both large audience and quality, something a lot of people strive for.

  2. That is fantastic news for Brian Clark!

  3. CopyBlogger is a great blog…tons of informative articles and tips! Along with ProBlogger, CopyBlogger is on my list to read each day! Way to go Brian!

  4. Trent – not sure about that. This isn’t a conference that just focussed upon blogging. It’s something for people who want to grow their online businesses – blogging is just one part of it.

    The way they’ve chosen these speakers is not about an award that people vote on – its on their actual performance and success of the ventures that they’ve been involved with. I think if you added up the speaker’s list of earnings that it’d be in the 8 to 9 figure range.

  5. Congrats to Brian Clark.

  6. As a veteran of more than a few panels and presentations, I can’t see why any award like that would have ANYTHING to do with the selection.

    Plenty of award winning (and deserving) people simply aren’t good on panels or in person mentoring type situations. These are entirely different skillsets.

  7. Elite Retreat help people to earn money through blogging. interested?

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