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Come Join us in the ProBlogger Room on FriendFeed

Posted By Darren Rowse 24th of May 2008 Social Media 0 Comments

Most regular readers of ProBlogger will know that I’ve been playing quite heavily with Twitter over the last few months. I’ve found it to be a very fruitful exercise.

Over the last month or two FriendFeed has been another tool that many bloggers are also playing with. I’ve dabbled with it (my FriendFeed Account is here) bot to this point am still trying to get my head around it (would love to see some good tutorials on how others are using it).

In the last 24 hours FriendFeed have added a new feature – Rooms. Most people that I see are still trying to work out what to do with rooms but from what I can see they could be useful – so I’ve started a ProBlogger Room to see what we can do with it. If you’re on FriendFeed and want to ‘play’ in our room – come join us.

If all we discover together is that rooms don’t work – we’ll learn something – but hopefully in the process we’ll get to know each other a little more and learn more about FriendFeed.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. I have started a couple FriendFeed rooms which I have left private for now. Still trying to figure out how to use them and what good they are. It will be fun to follow yours to see just what happens.

  2. i joined the room. thanks for the tip.

  3. Just joined. I heard of Friendfeed and since Twitter has been having issues on my end I thought I would check it out. Don’t have a clue what to do. :)

  4. Thanks for info,
    will check it right now!

  5. I like the name.. friendfeed is better than twitter but there are so many social rooms that I don’t have time for all.

  6. Cool site. Yet, at what point all these sites become more of a trouble than a tool (to watch, to follow, to maintain)? Nice idea for the next problogger post :)


  7. Well I just joined the ProBlogger room and I hadn’t heard of rooms before this post, so thanks!

    I think the rooms will make FriendFeed a more social interaction rather than just a notification system.

  8. How probably is it that all these new features being promoted in social markets may burn out the community members.

    We can’t ignore the fact that we are a very time sensitive and time conscious generation.

    We’ll see how the thread on this issue develops as the problogger room gains some mileage.

  9. Im not a friendfeed user…I just don’t have the time….let me know how to goes though

  10. Never used it..Thanks for the info though!

  11. You asked for a tutorial on FriendFeed. I wrote one for using FriendFeed with Facebook that has some good clues for all.


  12. It certainly is great all these fantastic ways of social interaction online that keep popping up quite often.

    Although I will have to keep a notebook of all the various user names and passwords of the many social sites I frequent, it sure is worth it for extra exposure…er with my clothes on, er yes!

  13. I joined, thank you. Now what do we do?

    (Yeah, it would be a good idea for a post – lol)

  14. Joining the room :D

  15. I decided to join FriendFeed (yours was the 2nd or 3rd recent mention of it). From what I can see of the room, it seems like a nice simple forum – a place where we can ask and answer questions about blogging.

  16. bVisual says: 05/30/2008 at 2:29 am

    I’d not heard of FriendFeed until this post. I’ll have to check it out. Thanks for the tip!

    “When you can’t be there, bVisual”

  17. Hmm, looks like a social aggregator to me, with little added but commenting. Might be useful if you and everyone you know are into the social aspect of it. But that means you (and everyone you know) visit this site more often to participate (on top of the other sites you potentially own that feed FriendFeed its info, e.g. Blog, MySpace, YouTube, Twitter, etc.). Sounds like it might benefit the broadcaster, but otherwise another major time-suck. If you’re not totally into it, you may be missing the conversation that is taking place here on your very own posts.

  18. Ryan McClean makes an interesting point regarding this issue.

    Is it not possible that an individual contributing to different social media venues could find that they have less and less time to even contribute or concentrate on their own personal blog?

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