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How to Get into the Flow of Creating Great Content for Your Blog

Posted By Darren Rowse 5th of February 2016 General 0 Comments
Image credit: Jonno Witts

Image credit: Jonno Witts

Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been blogging some time, you can almost always find yourself falling out of flow. One minute you have tons of ideas and are cranking out posts, the next something’s off and you’ve lost your mojo.

This episode of the ProBlogger podcast is continuing our series on Blogger’s Block (you can catch up on episode 83 Types of Blogger’s Block and episode 84 How to Come up With Fresh Ideas to Write About on Your Blog here), with my tips on how to finally get back on the content producing wagon, flexing your creative muscles once again.

I find that once you figure out what kind of blogger’s block you have – whether it be too many ideas and not enough time, or getting back into the swing of things after a brief break – you’re one step closer to figuring out how to beat it. The advice I’m sharing in this episode is from my own perspective, and include:

  • how to change your environment
  • tools to help you focus and minimise distractions
  • background noise
  • morning pages
  • answering questions to help formulate post ideas
  • using personas
  • getting personal – putting yourself in the shoes of your readers
  • deadlines, schedules and editorial calendars – what works, what doesn’t
  • rhythm and flow
  • inspiration
  • the types of post structures that engage my creativity and help keep me on track

And other practical ideas you can try at home to boost you out from the black hole of uninspiration and getting you back in the saddle again.

Tune in at the end of the week for the next Blogger’s Block installment, where I discuss what you should do before you publish every post to make it fully complete.

What do you do when your brain has taken a bit of a vacation? How do you bring it back to writing mode?

Further Reading:

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. I think it takes discipline to get through these types of blocks. The more consistently you write, the easier things will come to you. If you want to write consistently, you must become an intentional observer of life. Inspiring things are happening around us all the time. If we pay attention – if we take note, we will find the inspiration to blow through those “tougher” blocks that writers sometimes experience.

  2. Creative writing abilities not only require a environment that is calm and quiet, but it also requires the writer/blogger to develop a habit of studying. The blog post is information; however, good research is the most essential method of developing informational and curative blogs.

  3. I really appreciated the suggestion to disconnect and work offline. I find that when I try to work while connected to the internet my mind keeps jumping to new topics because I get distracted and can’t actually focus on one thing to write about. I also think it is great to just free write and come back and clean it up once I have gotten everything on the page.


  4. i like your suggestion an i will surly be implementing on me.

  5. Hi Darren, very useful suggestion.

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