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Act Like a Pro

Posted By Guest Blogger 21st of November 2011 Miscellaneous Blog Tips 0 Comments

This guest post is by Jean Compton of jeancompton.com.

What would you do if you knew you were going to get paid a large chunk of cash—up front, without any pre-conditions—to do something?

What would you do? How would you act? If it was something totally in the realm of your capabilities you’d get to work on it right away, right? You’d put in your best effort showcasing your greatest skills knowing that you were fluent in the information being asked for and sure that you would deliver a top notch product.

In other words, you would act like a pro.

So, what’s stopping you?

What’s stopping you, right now, from acting like an expert in your field? Everyone has something they can talk about naturally and authoritatively. Your gifts that only you possess is your uniqueness. Since you’re not like any other and no one else can be you; you have singular talents that you can share with the world that other people can benefit from.

If you’re an authority in an area you can start acting like one now. Your knowledge is desired by your community—or your tribe—even if you haven’t been acknowledged or paid for it yet.

I’m not talking of going around acting all cocky like a know-it-all. I’m telling you to hone in on what it is about you that, for instance, makes your friends be your friends. What keeps them coming back? What is it about you that makes you stand out?

That is your mojo—your gift that is golden. Tap into that, work it, develop it, and it can be your lifeblood, your golden ticket. That’s your genius spot, not like any one else’s, and you’re crazily selfish not to use it to your advantage to help yourself and, in turn, to help others.

Because I guarantee you, there are people out there that would kill for your particular gift. They’re waiting to hear from you. Oh, and they will also pay you for it.

So, let’s re-cap:

  1. Act like a pro now.
  2. Ask your friends what it is about you that brings them back for more.
  3. Develop that and market that in yourself.
  4. Help yourself.
  5. And by helping yourself, help others as well.
  6. Become a PAID expert in your field.

So … what is your unique gift that you’ve been hiding under a bushel basket? Have you dug deep to find it out? Ask your friends. They may have a surprising answer for you. And, leave me a comment below to tell me what it is!

Jean Compton is a writer and blogger who specializes in articles on meditation, de-stressing and changing your life. She has appeared on Problogger and Feelgooder, among other sites. You can find more of her inspiring posts on her blog at the above link.

About Guest Blogger
This post was written by a guest contributor. Please see their details in the post above.
  1. So true Jean! I can recall many moments of self doubt in my business career, especially when launching a new business, we can be our own worst enemies. It’s only when I’m offline, and talking to other people that I realise how much information I have to offer. I think that can be key to realising our own potential, connecting with others and just talking. Soon you’ll see that you really do have knowledge that people appreciate and you just need to find the courage within yourself to go and share your knowledge at the full value that you deserve.

    • So true, Ree! I think we all know a lot more than we give ourselves credit for. And, you’re absolutely right, connection is the key! Thanks for the comment. :)

  2. Just don’t fake it until you make it, ha!

  3. Nothing is stopping anyone Jean except their own limiting beliefs about why they can’t do it. You are right though. Everyone has an area where they are an expert in and that would be a perfect place to start from. The dream for everyone is to earn a life doing what they love.

    • Agree about the limiting beliefs, Justin.
      For the dream(of earning a life doing what you love) to become reality it has to include working hard in addition to being fun.
      Thanks, Justin!

  4. Thank You! Thank You! I started this journey blogging as a means to express myself. Then I found I could help others at the same time. Now I have been sitting on the cusp of making a living at it.

    I have always know what has held me back was my own laziness. This article/post has kicked me in the butt. Thank You!

  5. Yes, brilliant! So many people think that you have to have some official-looking piece of paper to be considered an authority in anything. As my highly accomplished husband, who has many such pieces of paper, says, “All they’re good for is wiping your a– if you get stuck in the woods.” REAL life experience doing whatever you love and whatever has worked well for you qualifies you as an expert who can help and guide others. You allude to a wonderful Biblical exhortation: “Do not hide your light under a bushel. Be a shining light upon the hill for all to see.” These times demand that every human being find and activate that light within themselves–their particular, special gifts that they came here to share. Wonderful reminder. Thank you again, and many blessings!

    • Thank you Amanda. My mother always used to quote that verse. She had a few good ones under her sleeve that ring very true!
      Thanks for sharing.

  6. That is the essential question that a blogger must ask: what can I offer to others that will entertain them or help them solve a problem? I entertain them with flash fiction. I help them write better short stories. And I try to do these two things in the unique voice of the Old Soldier. In other words, I agree with you.

  7. Such a powerful question, Jean! Bringing our awareness and power home to ourselves to seize control of our lives in such radically unstable times. We have been made to feel like we have no power and get caught in all the fear that is flying around out there. And yet, fashioning our own lives and businesses out of the material of who we are is a viable solution. I know. I just did it. Launched a week ago and the response has been WILD… all because I seized my authentic self and put it out here. So grateful that you are spreading the word!

  8. I am an expert in Social Media for healthcare organizations and in using technology to innovate and improve patient care :)

  9. When it’s raining and gloomy outside, this is the kick that I need to get moving…Thanks for this!

    • Colleen~We all need those ‘kicks’ from time to time, myself included.
      Thanks for stopping!

  10. Yeah, Baby! Yeah!

    Sorry, Jean.

    Your use of the word MOJO, threw me into Austin Powers mode.

    The ” Fake it till you make it” or ” Just wing it till you get the hang of it”! approach can work in many life situations.
    Most people subconsciously visualize doing something successfully in their minds, before going out and doing it.

    Inner Self confidence can compensate for A DEGREE of actual experience.

    Though, there are many instances whereby all the imagined confidence one can muster, will not get the task done.

    This is where people do things effortlessly, and others marvel at their NATURAL TALENT not realizing they have been doing this for many years. That type of talent(Ability) is hard to fake.

    • Agree, Daniel. And, I love Austin Powers (the first was the best), but mojo can also refer to someone’s unique talents(abilities) that set them apart from anyone else. Everyone’s got ’em although everyone doesn’t always use or develop them.

  11. You’ve done gone and got me excited enough to write a whole blog post:


  12. A great, concise article Jean. Good to see a fellow Content Palooza participant holding the limelight on a legendary blog.

    Asking your friends is an important but confronting step. That said we need to trust them and ask for honest, fair feedback.

    You artcile reminds me of the Steve Martin quote “Be so good they can’t ignore you.”

    Keep up the good work!

    • Thanks, Caylie! I love that S. Martin quote. Yes, asking can be scary (it should definitely be of someone you trust) but sometimes doing scary things is what is needed to push through barriers. Thanks!

  13. I am an expert on helping people reach their potential. I use both my blog and podcast to achieve this.
    Thanks for posting this!

  14. Very enthusiastic post. I thought in another way of achieving the goal. That is knowing the weakness of yours and practice hard to overcome it and also be an expert. In war it is better to know the weakness and strength of the enemies. Both will be counted.

  15. Hello there Jean and many thanks for your post. I am new to blogging and I appreciate you taking the time to share your hints and tips. Lella xx

  16. Just what I needed to hear today Thankyou

  17. I agree, Jean. Create the intention and kick it off like you mean it!

  18. You know Jean come to think of it, my blog could do with a bit humor.

    I don’t usually have my friends in stitches but you could say when it comes to being funny, I’m above average.

    Something I’ve been lacking in integrating into my daily posts.

    Thank you for this possible life changing update Jean.

    Much appreciated.


    • Go for it, Musa! A blog is an excellent platform to try out those things you’ve been ‘dreaming about’ doing.
      We could all use a little more humor these days.

  19. Be willing to learn even when you think you ve become a Pro,Mistakes we make most times.

  20. Agreed, agreed Jean! Make sure to act like a pro NOW. Great post!

  21. That is so true, naija. It’s never time to stop learning. Excellent point!

  22. I love this Jean! I especially like the question you pose right up front, because it’s an important one to consider. What if it were the case? Well, it just might be. :)

  23. through my adversities, I’ve learned to operate in faith at full strength. While I’m not a “know it all person”, believing that success not just in the financial but in other areas of life are bound to happen motivates the founder of the site act more professionally. With that said, moving forward gives the motivation to never give up in acquiring as much online education is possible, in becoming a marketing expert :-)

  24. FABULOUS post Jean. I’ve heard this concept many times and it has hugely effected the way I do business and live my life! Amazing things happen when you learn to go pro. You shared this concept so eloquently!

  25. Great article Jean – the only thing holding anybody back is fear of failure! I love the suggestion to ask your friends what keeps them coming back — it took me years to realize the things my friends recognize me for also happens to be what my ideal customers need and will happily pay for. Imagine that!

    • I know, it’s so true. It’s sometimes hard to see what is right in front of us, isn’t it? Thanks, Sistah!

  26. Thanks for your comments, Drewry. It’s all about facing the fear; always seems like the things worth doing contain a bit of fear in them. And, I agree, learning is a life long process.

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