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9 Practical Ways to Start Attracting an Audience to Your New Social Media Account

Posted By Clare Lancaster 9th of December 2010 Social Media 0 Comments

Last week we talked about what type of social media account you should set up. Regardless of which you choose, you’ll want to start building an audience straight away.

Remember, the value in social media is the depth of the personal connections you make, not the number of people who you’re connected to. You don’t want to get followers quickly—you want to build an audience. They are two different approaches with two different results.

How to start building an audience on a new social media account

1. Add social media icons to every page of your website

Just as your mailing list signup form appears on every page on your website, so should links to your social media accounts. People who are using social media will look for the icon that represents their preferred networking platform.

There are plenty of free icon sets for you to use if you search for them. Group the icons together in an obvious place and include links to each of your accounts.

2. Add social sharing buttons

Add social sharing buttons to your blog posts (e.g. the Facebook Like button or Twitter tweet button). These allow readers to share individual posts with their networks, helping to grow awareness of your blog and your social media presence.

3. Leverage your existing audience

We’re big fans of leverage here at ProBlogger. When you’re starting to build an audience on a new account, the easiest way to do it is to leverage your existing audience.

Write a blog post inviting people to connect elsewhere and add links to your social media accounts in your newsletters. If you’ve already built an audience on one platform, invite them to connect on other platforms too.

4. Add links to your social media account to your email autoresponder

Whether you add a dedicated email to your email autoresponder sequence or simply include links in your automatic welcome email, make sure to invite your subscribers to connect on their social networking platforms of choice.

5. Link to your accounts from your guest post bio

When I was deciding which links to include in my bio, I thought about which would give me the greatest long-term value. Connecting on social media allows your guest post readers to get to know you and create a long-term relationship. Choose to link to the account you are most active on.

6. Include a call to action at the end of your blog posts

Add a link to your most frequented social networking account at the end of each blog post with an invitation to connect if the reader liked what they saw.

7. Add a call to action on your About page

The about page is typically one of the most popular pages on a blog. As the reader learns more about you, be sure to invite them to connect on other social platforms.

8. Add a link to your email signature

Most of us send a lot of email daily. Make the most of that effort and add links to your accounts to your email signature.

9. Highlight your social media accounts regularly

Attracting people to your social media accounts should be considered a meaningful transaction. As with all meaningful transactions, you need to promote this one regularly. Once you start to build an audience, keep leveraging new connections by regularly linking to your other accounts and inviting them to connect there too.

My most important tip?

Go and do these things now. Reading articles alone isn’t going to help build an audience on your accounts. Jump in and use what you’ve got now to build a better blog business in the future.

Next week, I’ll look at the most common mistakes other people make when they start participating in social media for business—so that you don’t have to.

About Clare Lancaster
A trained designer, Clare became an accidental marketer in 2001 when she fell into the world of SEO and has worked online ever since. When she's not on Twitter or writing for women in business, Clare reviews blogs and works with passionate online business owners to overhaul their business results.
  1. Awesome Post Clare!,

    I managed to leverage my 1,000 “YouTube” subscribers to share stuff on facebook and it has really taken off in terms of traffic!…


    David Edwards

  2. The autoresponder idea has worked very well for me, my subject line is “we’re not friends” and then I have a link to my FB, it works =)

  3. Nice article Clare.

    I think its a bit more difficult today to draw attention to social media profiles, especially for new bloggers. I think some audiences are somewhat immune to the regular call to action to network and requires more aggressive approaches. Though the aggressive approach may not always work, the content on the site needs to be top notch and original to capture users’ interest.

  4. great tips. I wasn’t aware it’s good to add a call to action in the about page and auto responders. Thanks

  5. FB Like button helped me a lot recently..

  6. Great sharing Clare :) thank you.. Social media is no 2 driving traffic to myblog.

  7. There is lots of competition for attention now through social media, from business and personal accounts. That shouldn’t discourage us from implementing these solid strategies to slowly, patiently draw people to our great content. Lots of these items get overlooked when someone’s first putting a site together, so this checklist is a great way to make sure you’re connecting all you’re audiences together for maximum impact. Thanks for sharing, Clare.

  8. Claire,

    one of the challenges I often struggle with is exactly this: building an audience for a new blog on base of an existing one. Mostly because they are in different niches. Darren’s new blog is a perfect example. I read his posts about it here, but I have only little interest in the feel-good niche myself, and won’t read it. The behind the scenes part is interesting because it’s about blogging, but I would not like to receive information about, what do I know, a new iPhone blog from a travel blog, or vice versa.

    Do you see any way to make a new blog profit from the audience of an old one when they are absolutely unrelated?

  9. Thanks for the nice post Clare,

    I agree that the power of Social Media is huge,
    I am starting a business online and I am working on social media profiles.

  10. oww, like this FB Like button.

  11. Your first suggestion – Add social media icons to every page of your website – made me think that perhaps I should add icons in widgets on the side of my WordPress Pages, instead of having my Social Media links in the footer area (as I do for most of my sites.) Great suggestion as more people will be apt to see them if they’re front and center and on every page. Thanks for the idea!

  12. Good tips, though I am not convinced “the about page is typically one of the most popular pages on a blog”. Maybe it depends on the niche?

  13. Thank you, Clare. I just modified my About Page fairly substantially to include your suggestions.

  14. Thanks everyone for your comments and for sharing your experiences.

    @David Edwards: That’s fantastic! Good to hear

    @Ray Higdon: Very clever, thanks for sharing.

    @Robyn: I think it is important for readers to be aware of them and that usually involves calling attention to them more than once, but you definitely don’t want to be aggressive.

  15. I have applied the sharing buttons.Great idea

  16. Hi Clare,
    Excellent post. I don’t think you can have enough ways to help people tweet, share and syndicate your content. Writing blog posts about social networking and then encouraging people to follow, is a good way to get people to take action.

  17. Nice post! Very helpful tips. I have avoided putting the tweet button on every post but it now makes sense.


  18. Thanks for this post. I took away to new ideas which I’ve already implemented.

  19. Thanks for the article. I did not realize how important it is to have the buttons all over your posts and pages in order to remind people to use them. I for one get irritated when I’ve read all the way to the bottom of the blog post and have to scroll all the way back up in order to Tweet it. I have not thought about implementing top and bottom buttons on my own page. Thanks!

  20. I am still afraid to use FB Button. Some article said that it is not safe.Is FB button safe?

  21. Some useful tips, looks like I have some work to do. Thank you

  22. Thanks for these tips they are really useful and specially adding facebook button to the blogs always helps.

  23. The best way for me in the beginning was to add followers from the biggest twitter user in my niche, and then i got some good traffic.

  24. Hi Clare,

    Thanks for the quick 9 tips on attracting more traffic.

    My site has lots of work to be done…. This content is useful for new blogger like me.


  25. Great post!

    I used it as a checklist to verify what we have already done, and what is still missing.

    Implemented what was possible immediately :)

  26. Some great ideas thank you I will use this as a point of reference and check list for our site

  27. Curtis Richwine says: 03/07/2011 at 9:18 am

    WOW!! As a new blogger and novice writer all this info can be overwhelming, hell my biggest concern is creating quality and novel content for my niche let alone SEO, leveraging, linking, tags,etc. It is very comforting to here as you stated in the 2nd paragraph “to build your audience slowly” probably some of the best advice I have read! Thank-you!!

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