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Yahoo Publishing Network Agreement Excludes Non US Readers from Viewing Ads

Posted By Darren Rowse 1st of September 2005 Yahoo Publishing Network 0 Comments

A reader just emailed me to let me know that he’d been accepted into Yahoo’s Publishing Network as a beta tester but that he’d noticed a rather odd clause in the agreement that he had to enter into. The section in question reads:

‘you are a US-based business and you are operating Your Site solely for viewing and use by users within the US; and

display all or part of the Ad Unit to any user located outside the US;’

I knew Yahoo were only accepting US publishers into the beta test – but to limit them to only show ads to US readers is news to me and rather impractical. I know that I’ve seen quite a few sites with YPN ads (I’m in Australia) so either a lot of beta testers are breaking this agreement or YPN have made some sort of a mistake with the clause.


About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. This xxx has Yahoo ads that are visible also form outside USA (I see them from Germany): http://www.russellbeattie.com (however he shows ads only if somebody navigates to his sites from other site).

    In other words: either this xxx is broking YPN’s TOS or your assumption that it is webmaster who should take care of this not showing ads outside of USA is wrong.

    comment edited by Darren: no need for the offensive terms CSB

  2. (ps. somebody must navigated to sup-page of his site from other site – like from google search – not to main page – then you will see the Yahoo ads on his site also from Oz)

  3. I believe that is there to restrict sites whose demographics have the majority of visitors from outside the US, even if the publisher happens to live within the US.

  4. I’m in the beta program. The person in the program should just call the toll free number and ask the YPN advisor if h/she has any questions. They have been rather helpful for me so far.

  5. its not that hard to set up geoservering with a program like phpmyads or similar, but as you’d know this relies on the IP of the visitor and its not exactly hard to spoof an IP address. I’d also find it interesting that to geotarget the ad from the bloggers perspective you’d also need to encapsulate it in code: surely this would breach anothe section of the TOS or play silly buggers with its contextual delivery? (Id also note that Opera doesn’t like it either)

  6. I just got my invitation to sign up for YPN today. I’m probably going to do it tomorrow and experiment with it over the next week. That’s good to know about delivering ads only to U.S. users; it definitely will have a (negative) effect on my experiment, as about 30% of my users come from outside the U.S.

  7. Total crap. Filtering traffic is enough complex technical task. Nobody will change own ads systems and add geotargeting.

  8. If YPN was up to the technical levels of adsense it would already have geo targetting built in. It seems like Yahoo haven’t worked it into the program yet so they are making the beta testers responsible for it.

  9. I’m browsing from germany too and I do see some YPN ads already.
    It shouldn’t be the task of the publisher to check wether the user is located in the us or not. Yahoo should be able to disable viewing the ads to someone outside the US, if desired.

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