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About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Hi Darren, I saw your Pro-Blogger T-Shirt Shop. I wanted to order a TShirt. But, When i tried to checkout my order, my country (India) was not their in that list. Can you please let me know how can i order for a problogger T-Shirt from India ?

  2. Hey now thats something good.I would like to have one of those shirts and go around the city.Its the least advertising that we can give to you darren.It seems now you got the pulse of the visitors to your site.You are just amazing at the small but effective ways.Congrats for the launch of your shirts.

  3. Nice looking bunch of marketers. The horns don’t show for some reason.



  4. Can girls buy the blue shirt? ;-D

  5. Yay, more clothes for me to buy.

    Why couldn’t you get as many marketers as ShoeMoney? :(

  6. Pretty cool design, and lol at the daily mind.

  7. I was wondering about the blue and white differentiation my self.. lool

  8. I just received an email from Shoemoney yesterday and it was the same as this one. It was of a group/company all wearing the shoemoney shirts. Does this happen often? Shirts look good too!


  9. Good lookin’ tees!

  10. Thank you for posting our picture Darren! I like having the option of picking what color shirt I would like to purchase.
    I love my pink shirt! :)

    Thanks again ~

    Pictured from left to right:

    Debby Banning – Me! Digital Media Relations
    Matt Wlodarczyk – Director of Operations
    Robert Culhane – Multimedia Manager
    Kyle McCall – Affiliate Manager
    Jen Fluker – Affiliate Manager
    Mike Kelly – Affiliate Manager

  11. Isn’t that the same group of people who sent a photo to ShoeMoney wearing his t-shirts that was posted yesterday? lol

  12. The designs are awesome. The same question, how do i order for India?
    Is it just P on the t-shirt or is it fully written as Problogger in the back?

  13. heeheheh yes, they are!! Is it a good business to do the “tshirts wearer” ? lol

  14. Looks like MarketLeverage guys are promoting t-shirt for you and Shoemoney (http://www.shoemoney.com/2008/04/08/market-leverage-staff-shoemoney-shirt-spotting/#comment-61022)

  15. Great t-shirts, not sure if I’d ever wear it…

  16. i promote your blog to all my friends, darren – ive prob scored you 50 RSS readers

    you should send me a FREE shirt ;)

  17. Are you giving those free t-shirts?

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