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How Old Are You? POLL

Posted By Darren Rowse 5th of October 2007 Featured Posts, Reader Questions 0 Comments

Time for this week’s poll. This week I’m asking a pretty basic demographic question:

How Old Are You?

I’m asking this because I’ve heard a number of people recently speak about blogging as a young person’s thing – however in talking to many ProBlogger readers I’ve found that the age range is quite broad.

How spread are the ages of ProBlogger readers? We’ll soon find out.

If you’re reading this in RSS you’ll need to come on over and vote here.


Looking forward to seeing the results on this one!

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. I will predict that most of bloggers are 20-30 years old. But what is more interesting – biggest % of them are somehow related to IT (at least in Latvia).

  2. Darren,

    My prediction is most will be between 31-40

  3. I just hope SOMEBODY is older than me. . . .

  4. So many people are surprised I’m only 14.

  5. I’ll predict most ppl are in their early 20’s

  6. In a week’s time I would have had to move up one age category!

  7. As expected, the age will be somewhere between 20-35. It’s the generation “blogger” ;)

  8. its hard to say what I think, I would guess the biggest age group would be from 25-35 but thats split between 2 brackets. I figure the numbers would start to tail off after about 35. Then again, the Myspace crowd would probably fill the 21-25 slot…wow this is making me feel old.

  9. I am currently 14 years old and enjoy to be a problogger.

    BTW, Darren Sir, does age matters in blogging?

  10. Looks like it’s a pretty even spread, so far. 21 through 40 are equally represented.

  11. At 41 votes, it’s already looking like a fairly normal distribution centered at the 26-30 group. Fairly expected.

  12. I’m 15, but there’s no option for that…

    under fifteen (starts from 14, as 15 is not under 15)
    16-20 …

  13. wow, a blogger over the age of 70? That one caught me off guard. Maybe I was stereotyping a little, but I was under the impression that most people over the age of 70 don’t even know what a blog is.

  14. 26 to 30 with the lead so far! I will be in that bracket in 5 months!

  15. I wonder how much it changed with the arrival of facebook and myspace. Before those social networking sites (profile based) come along, people network by creating blogs like xanga, livejournal, etc. to connect to each other. So we used to only have blogs with social networking features, but now many people are shifting to a social networking site with blogging features. I wonder how much that affects demographics of bloggers, especially for high school and college students.

    I think another related survey you can do is: how old were you when you started blogging?

  16. Almost 21 :) Nice poll.

  17. Man I feel old at 43!

  18. That’s interesting. I’m in the most popular age group – I’m 38. I thought there would be more younger people. Mind you – perhaps people are more likely to read blog written by their age group – especially the under 21’s.

  19. The 26-30 group is leading! =)

  20. I would love to have a small conversation with a 60+ blogger, also specialized in stuff like SEO, blogging, IT, promotion, affiliation techniques. It would be nice.

    I predict we will all be 60-70 in about 40 years. I bet on it. :)

  21. Wow so many people around my age of 21 .Its great to know that the young people are actively indulged in this lovely passion.

  22. This isn’t one of your categories but I would expect most bloggers who read ProBlogger to be 25 to 35. If you count all the people “blogging” on MySpace et al and not trying to do it professionally, then it would be much, much younger.

    I had to tick the 31 to 40 box but I’m only 31 – I consider 28 year olds as my peers, not 38 year olds.

  23. CatherineL, you are not really in the most popular age group because 21 to 30 has been split into two categories. If you add up 21 to 25 and 26 to 30 then it’s substantially more than the 31 to 40 category.

    Lies, damn lies and statistics!

  24. I wanna read the 70 year old’s blog! Hilarious if it turned out to be a celebrity blog with all the latest gossip on TomKat or some such.

  25. Voted I’m a sexy 24 years girl:-) Nah, j/k I am not that sexy lol

  26. I’m 41 but I always want to have a 26-30ish mindset. As someone who like technology I always want to keep an open mind and play. I can still see the playful attitude in some people in who are past retirement age but are still playing, inventing and involved.

  27. yeah – I should have done it in decades instead of having 5 year categories but it could have blown out the number of categories.

  28. Sarat Chandran says: 10/05/2007 at 8:18 pm

    I’m 14. =) I don’t think there will be too many 14 year old people around here.

  29. I think MySpace is for older bloggers and Facebook and Bebo are for younger bloggers. I don’t connect with MySpace and I’m 24 – I find that a lot of people who refer to it are actually more towards the 30 age bracket.

  30. And I also think that Gen X people dominate the blogging world – a lot more egotistical or something… Massive generalisation I know!! Of people in my age group who have blogs, most use them for networking rather than pushing their ideas onto the world

  31. 16 here. Wondering if those 3 of 70 years old plus is for real.

  32. I’m 40 and glad to help skew the results further away from those young whipper snappers !!

  33. 17 here. :)

  34. 12 Sep 1945. I notice several already older than I. One of the things I like about blogs and the online world in general is that age does not matter near as much as it does in face-to-face relationships. I have many friends on line in their teen years … if we met in real life we’d probably be wondering what to say to each other. On the older side, though, I repurposed one of my blogs to aim at senior citizen bloggers … since I are one … and the response has been great. You know if you think online activity stops at say age 40, you may be missing out on a whole huge market segment … us “Baby Boomers” have, in general a lot of free time, a lot of disposable income … we aren’t raising teenagers any more, and a thirst for knowledge … potent marketing combination for folks who can think beyond ring tones

  35. I’m 41 but my inner teen is about 14. :)

  36. The poll on my site has told me so far that most of my readers are 15-25. Which is good, because that’s who I’m targeting, I think yours will primarily be 20-30 though. :)

  37. I am 26 …. still got more years ahead ;)

  38. That’s a great polling.

    Waiting for the next result ;-)

  39. I think as time goes on you will find more older people starting a blog. It takes time for us older generation to catch up with the younger ones. We don’t move as fast. But here we come, I’m 54 and ready to blog.

  40. 3 of my children blog, albeit irregularly and often not more than a few sentences per post. They are 11, 14 and 17.

  41. I am 43 and expected to be in the minority. I am glad to see a fairly broad range.

  42. I’m 18

  43. Argh! I’m 41 and you grouped me with the 5o-year-olds.

  44. 23 years old here :)..I feel young compared to some other responses in there..Don’t worry people..Age is just a number.

  45. I’m old! I just turned 30. :(

  46. This one of the more interesting posts recently, Darren. Of course, most of your posts are interesting.

    I’m not surprised that I’m in one of the groups with a lower number. I’m also not surprised that there are people older than me blogging.

    I’m 55 and have the time to blog and interact on time because I’m retired, though I’ve actually been blogging for several years.

  47. I’m 15 and I just love to blog :-D

  48. Cathy – that is awful being put with the 50 year olds. I am lucky, I’m only 3 years younger than you and I got grouped with the thirty year olds.

    Darren is obviously going on for 40 but wanted to be in a “younger” group!

  49. Yes, there are people over 70 blogging. This lady has a great blog, and she is over 80:

  50. Oops, I should have linked to her other blog – it has her photo so you can see she’s a real person:

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