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The Secret to Increasing Amazon Associate Earnings – Time

Posted By Darren Rowse 20th of May 2007 Affiliate Programs 0 Comments

Amazon-Logo-1-1One of the income streams that I’ve been using lately that’s really starting to prove to be a worthwhile one is the Amazon Associates Program.

I’ve noticed an upswing in the earnings from the program over the last few months and have been a little confused as to why there’s been a continued increase in earnings.

At first I thought maybe it was as a result of some unknown page on one of my blogs getting and then sending extra traffic to Amazon – but after analyzing the types of products that people are buying and by doing a little tracking of outbound traffic I was still unable to identify any single reason that explains the increase in performance.

But then it struck me – the reason is actually quite simple.

The reason for the increase in Amazon earnings is simply that I’ve been using the program for four or so years now and that over time I continue to add new doorways into the Amazon site.

Everyday I continue to add new pages to my blogs and while I don’t link to Amazon in every single post I do link to products there each week and every time that I do it I create another pathway for readers into the Amazon store.

Over the last four or five years I guess I’ve added 1000 or more Amazon links to my blogs (in fact it could be 2000 or even more) and while in the early days I was lucky to earn see a sale on any given day it’s now not unusual to see 50 sales in a day.

Overall income isn’t quite as spectacular as some of the other income streams that I’ve got running but it’s coming close to make me have to update the rankings on my How I Make Money from Blogs post.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. a few month had been passed but still no $$$ come in…:-P:-(:-(:-(

  2. I just joined the Amazon affiliate program and am now going through each post and putting the appropriate links into place. I haven’t been at it more than a few days and am excited to see the results.

    One thing I love so far is the bar at the top of the page for affiliates, makes it really easy to add links from inside the store.

    Thanks for the post.

  3. Maalika says: 04/11/2009 at 12:30 am

    I would like to know what are some of the other sites such as stubhub, fandango etc that might make some money for me? I sell general stuff…

  4. melissa says: 04/18/2009 at 12:12 pm

    I too have seen the ranks go up and up, the more content you have, and the more links that relate to your content the better! Congrats!

  5. Darren – I think this is a great illustration of persistence works, time and time again. Many (including myself for a while!) gave up on the Amazon programme. But, as you say, repeat use of links which leverage over time is really powerful. As always, great stuff.

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