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Leveraging Blog Profile to Open New Opportunties

Posted By Darren Rowse 20th of April 2007 Pro Blogging News 0 Comments

I’m always looking for examples of how blogging opens up doors for those who write them to lead them into new opportunities to build their profile and make a living.

Today ProBlogger guest blogger Wendy Piersall gave us a prime example with her post The Biggest Blog Post of My Life.

Wendy has been approached by Entrepreneur.com to write a blog for them as part of their new site for Women Entrepreneurs.

What a great opportunity and a great example of how blogging consistently and passionately on a topic can open up doors to bigger and better things. What a great way to celebrate a year of blogging at her blog (her first year blogaversary is in just a couple of days time). Congratulations Wendy!

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. How many ad networks/services are there?…

    Following my last post where I questioned the value of building an ad engine for my own purposes, I began…

  2. Yeah cangrats Wendy. I personally have had several opportunities pop up since I have started blogging and that was only about 2 months ago. Nothing quite like this example but I can feel a big opportunity coming along not too far over the horizon!

  3. Congrats Wendy !! Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving person! So what happens to EMom now?

  4. Wow! Congratulations to you, Wendy! I certainly wouldn’t pass up an offer like that! I’m still waiting for my invite by the way… ;)


  5. Karen

    I guess that EMom is why Wendy got the gig. Imho it would be a good thing to keep it – as an example and in case things don’t work out.


  6. Congratulations to Wendy – I enjoyed reading her story.

    On the topic of leveraging blog profile, I realised recently that I was spreading my blogging profile to thin (too many different blogs). I decided to end my Interweb World blog and post full-time at Scribble Designs.

    The motivation was to end my AdSense dependency and to gain more recogniation of my web design and SEO work. I’m not self-promoting (honest!), but I do think there are other means of earning from blogging other than advertising revenue.

  7. Wow – to wake up to THIS was awesome – you are indeed a great blogger, great mentor, and great friend. :) Thank you!!

  8. I know the feeling, though I’ve never been asked to write for the big blog networks, blogging sure has opened up new doors for me. Yey!

  9. Troy Tigner says: 04/21/2007 at 12:07 am

    Way to go Wendy!

    I really hate it when people tell me “only 1% of bloggers make substantal money blogging”. I tell them it’s not all about the cash!

    If your only motivation to blog is for the money, then you probably won’t make much of it (sorry to burst anyone’s bubble).

    Wendy’s success is proof again that blogging can lead to bigger and better opportunities / money / happines / “fill-in-blank” things in life (not just money).


  10. I’m really happy for Wendy, and I’m glad things are working out for her… but.

    Wendy said she ‘listened to her heart’ to get where she is in life. Actually, it sounded for the most part like common sense: she connected with her college community (it’s smart to make contacts); she didn’t have a job, so she got one (that’s super smart); she threatened to divorce her alcoholic husband (unbelievably smart); and she… is now living off her 401K to start a business???

    I truly hope things work out for Wendy, but I also hope readers understand that there is a difference between listening to their heart and doing the smart thing.

  11. Let me also add my thanks to everyone who commented here and came over to my site to add their congrats! And yes, Matt, you are right – I will still be writing on both blogs, as eMoms is also my business. I just get to basically double my workload! ;)

  12. Congratulations Wendy!

    I just read “The Biggest Blog Post of My Life” and honestly found it inspiring. I appreciate the fact you took the time to write it.

    Once again, congratulations and I wish you all the luck possible, with your new project.


  13. There are way too many blogs on blogging. There are a few good ones, like yours, but most are a bunch of people that know enough to be dangerous, trying to make money by teaching something they aren’t any good at themselves.

    Look at the Alexa or Technorati rankings for most of the so-called blogging and SEO experts out there. It’s actually quite funny. “Hey, look at me, I know everything there is to know about marketing, SEO and blogging and I’m going to teach you how to get rich. Pay no attention to my 1,287,456 Alexa ranking, or the man behind the curtain.”

  14. Sorry, I commented in the wrong place. I meant this to be a response to your Future of Blogging post.

  15. To piggyback on what Karen said “Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving person!” Much love & success to you Wendy – The Inspired Entrepreneur!
    Thanks for spreading the news Darren :-)

  16. Actually, Ponn will be writing for Entrepreneur.com as well as a Columnist! So congrats to her too!! :)

  17. […] This last group of springboard bloggers usually start out with smaller blogs but use even the small influence that they build their to launch themselves into new and bigger ventures. Perhaps one of the best recent examples of this was Wendy’s recent announcement that she’s about to start blogging for Entrepreneur.com&#821…. […]

  18. I started my own blog as a way to spend some time off my duties as a consultant. Later I started to work for http://www.elblogsalmon.com, a blog about business and economy belonging to Weblogs SL (the biggest blog network in Europe, and the worldwide leader in spanish). Later, I also blogged for http://www.vayatele.com, a blog about TV. And later I left my job as a consultant and joined the Weblogs SL team for developing new business opportunities – I never thought things could go so far when I wrote mi first post in my little blog…

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