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Using Stories to Add a Personal Touch to Your Blog

200612112158I’ve recently been reading The Story Factor by Annette Simmons and am convinced that stories are one of the most powerful ways of engaging and impacting readers.

I’ve written previously on using stories in blogging (and will probably again) but am a firm believer in using stories as they:

  • engage the imagination of readers
  • go beyond facts and theories
  • reveal something about yourself as a blogger
  • trigger emotions and the senses
  • provide hooks for readers to latch onto in your blogging
  • are relatable to readers
  • illustrate your points in ways that can be much more convincing (and convicting) than other types of information
About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Fictional stories are also a great way to keep visitors entertained and coming back for more. Updates can become even more critical for this type of site as people will begin to expect to see new material on a regular basis.

  2. Hi Darren & everyone,

    I will agree that stories can ‘provide hooks for readers to latch onto in your blogging’ — and would also like to say that stories will keep ME returning to a someone’s blog.

  3. I use stories in my more intimate blogs where I’m talking to my readers, but on my review blogs I rarely break into stories

  4. I have read this a lot of times, but the main question for me remains – how do you make (or where do you get) the stories. Any ideas?

  5. Stories draw the readers in in such a powerful way that they can either make or break the idea presented. Remember the T.V. show Dallas and ‘Who Shot J.R.?’ This type of story telling (and don’t forget shows like ’24’ and ‘Lost’) that are truly amazing in keeping the attention of the audience/reader/client.

  6. […] If you are writing a blog (and even if you’re not, these tips can be applied to other forms of writing), I would also highly suggest this short article that provides you some advice on using stories to gain readership. […]

  7. I like to write stories on my blog as a personal account of how to do something and throw in some humor with it. I think a story is commonly easier to read and more actively incorporates the reader into the content and action of the blog.

  8. […] Using Stories to Add a Personal Touch to Your Blog […]

  9. Its has really help me blog to grow,there are some reader who connect with me through that method and i have regular reader who make it a habit to visit my blog everyday to get update.


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