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MyBlogLog ads AdSense Tracking

Posted By Darren Rowse 12th of September 2006 Blogging Tools and Services 0 Comments

MybloglogA number of readers have emailed in the last 24 hours to let me know that MyBlogLog (I previously reviewed it in it’s early days here), stats package that lets you track outbound links has added the ability to track AdSense clicks.

When you log into your stats page now you can now see how many clicks there were on different ad units (classified by ad sizes) and if you click the ‘view’ link it will show you which page on your blog the clicks have come from (and tell you how many clicks each page had).

While there are AdSense tracking scripts around that do this also – this is a very handy feature to have access to as it helps you take your AdSense earnings analysis a step beyond what channels will allow you to do and helps you identify which individual pages on your site are behind your earnings.

Now if we can just get them to start tracking Chitika, YPN and a few other ad networks….

thanks to Jon and Rob for being the first two to let me know about this.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Hi Darren

    Cheers for pointing this out – it looks like it will be another very useful addition. I have to say that I am finding mybloglog to be more and more essential every day, not only for the stats but also in terms of putting me in touch with other bloggers.

    How come you haven’t sorted your profile out on there mate?!

    Have a great day

  2. I actually havn’t looked at MyBlogLog for a few months – since I started using 103bees and performancing’s metrics package actually. I found they had everything MBL had.

  3. I noticed that MyBlogLog was tracking the clicks two days ago, however the clicks showed in mybloglog didn´t match with those counted by the adsense account. Has anyone noticed this too?


  4. Dimas —

    We are pretty certain that the difference is actual clicks vs what Google pays you for after running their clickfraud reduction. See http://mybloglogb.typepad.com/my_weblog/2006/09/mybloglog_track.html for slightly more info. As we get more data we’ll continue to post what we learn on the blog.


  5. Nice, finally a bigger reason for me to use MyBlogLog, thanks for the heads up.

  6. Hi Eric,

    Alright, I searched for some info at your blog but I should have read it again.


  7. Looks good, I might have to check it out.

    I currently use Google Analytics for Adsense and Chitika click tracking. It’s great because I can see the percentage of users who click and where they came from.

    eg: 15 % of people from Yahoo.com, 20% of people from Google, and 30% from Google Adwords. Very useful to see if paying for Adword ads pays off in my advantage.

  8. dimas & Eric,

    I noticed that too, I think at least part of it has to do with the link blocks, since a click on the linkblock will show up as a click in MBL, but it doesn’t count as a click with AdSense.

  9. I’m thinking I should start monitoring. I’ve made absolutely ZERO on Adsense the last two months. Yahoo Publisher is a bit different. I’m wondering if Google is not recording clicks.

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  11. I have just forwarded this to a few colleagues. Good article.

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