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The Dawn of Professional Social Bookmarking

Posted By Darren Rowse 19th of July 2006 Pro Blogging News 0 Comments

Jason Calacanis has posted a post that could be the begin of professional social bookmarking (someone better register prosocialbookmarker.com). He’s offering to pay 12 or so top users from sites like digg, reddit, MySpace, Newsvine, Delicious and Flickr to submit posts to Netscape.

Read about it at his post at – Paying the top DIGG/REDDIT/Flickr/Newsvine users

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Why not just hire people and call it a job? Why couldn’t they train someone to become and editor?

  2. I like this idea because this is going to create some part time jobs for some people. Now, I like to see how DIgg and others respond to this move by Netscape.

  3. I assume Calacanis thinks that since the top Digg submitters (and Digg is all he’s *really* interested in here) have a following there, they’ll either bring their followers over to Netscape, create a new following at Netscape or, ideally, both.

    Also, this will create a big internet buzz complete with controversy, which will give them a lot of free advertising.

    Lastly, since Digg is now a competitor, raiding their best submitters makes obvious business sense.

    Personally, I think Netscape (in General) sucks and they’re not going to pose any serious social bookmarking competition to Digg, or even De.licio.us.

  4. “Why not just hire people and call it a job?”

    Because they couldn’t pay that little.

    A good post probably takes me two hours or more to write and the *ability* to write it comes from many years of experience and knowledge gathering. So if I could do that four times a day every day of the month I’d earn a paltry $1,200.00 or so? Yeah, show me where I can sign up: I just love being abused!

    But.. unless I’m misunderstanding this totally, this is just payment for “what you are doing already”. If that’s what it is, it’s a great gesture.

    But really, the people who SHOULD be paying the content producers are the ISP’s: it’s our content that causes the demand that attracts their customers.

    Think about it: here I am pulling in around 6,000 uniques per day. Pretend they were all Verizon customers or all Comcast customers: those ISP’s make $30 or $40 a month from each of those people and they wouldn’t have switched from dialup if it were not for all the content sites. Now of course my share of that wouldn’t be a lot: presumably those 6,000 people visit a few other sites daily also, but let’s just play with some numbers:

    Pretend the “payout” share is 10% of the daily value, or roughly 10 cents per visit. How many sites do we share that between? Who knows – let’s grab 50 as a rough number. So 6,000 time 10 cents divided by 50 is $12.00 per day.. feel free to substitute any numbers you like, of course.

    Of course they wouldn’t see it that way :-)

  5. All I can say is, this is an awfully good idea. Even though I don’t think Netscape is nearly as strong as Digg or any of the other social bookmarking sites for that matter, this will undoubtedly generate a lot of buzz and a lot of “Netscape This” links.

  6. The Birth of Pro Social Bookmarking…

    Back in July 2006 Jason Calacanis offered to pay top posters, to the social bookmarking sites like Delicious and Digg, to begin posting to Netscape instead.
    At the time the move sparked a lot of interest in the internet community and one particular blo…

  7. oh, pick me, pick me (will blog for food)!

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