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Adsense Sparklines

Sparklines InfostheticsInformation aesthetics has a cool little charting facility that is tracking a blogs daily word count, unique visitors, AdSense earnings and the OS that people are viewing the blog in.

They say it fits within the AdSense TOS but you need to ask permission from them to use it first.

It’s quite interesting to see the top three charts side by side. While unique visitors doesn’t go up and down too much there is some correlation between daily word count (posting frequency related) and AdSense earnings. There’s also probably some significant correlation between the day of the week and earnings also.

I guess the question a blogger would want to ask themselves before using sparklines is why they want to post the information on their blog. I don’t have a problem with those that do but I’m not sure it’d fit within my own blogging goals at this point. It’s definitely got a ‘cool factor’ though that I’m sure many will love.

Thanks to Jeremy for the email tip off.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Not bad, but I think there’s a law of diminishing returns when it comes to looking at your stats.

  2. “a law of diminishing returns”

    What do you mean ??

  3. very true Darren.

    Louis – the more you check stats the less work you actually do :-)

  4. I asked Adsense Support about this plugin so they replied:

    “Hello Thilak,

    Thanks for writing. We understand that you would like to use the Adsense
    Sparkling plugin for WordPress to have more detailed reporting regarding
    your AdSense account. However, we do not endorse or encourage the use of
    any third-party tools for this purpose.

    We recommend that you exercise caution when using third-party software to
    ensure that you do not violate the AdSense Terms and Conditions and that
    you do not inadvertently disclose sensitive personal information or
    information about your site through the use of such software. Please note
    that AdSense participants are solely responsible for verifying that any
    tools or software used in conjunction with AdSense do not violate the
    AdSense Terms and Conditions.

    For additional questions, we encourage you to visit the AdSense Help
    Center (http://www.google.com/adsense_help), our complete resource center
    for all AdSense topics. Alternatively, feel free to post your question on
    the forum just for AdSense publishers: the AdSense Help Group


    The Google AdSense Team”

  5. I got the very same email when I asked the Adsense folks why AdsenseDetective was reporting more than double the clicks Google was reporting. It isn’t a “NO, DON’T USE IT” but at the same time, I’m a little worried. Thoughts?

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