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About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Hah. Yeah, that’ll cut you short on occasion. Cola is another big no-no. ;)

  2. We spilled catnip on our keyboard once, and that really cut down on productivity. We have to admit, however, the clean-up sure was fun!

  3. eeew. I can just imagine!

    Anyway – one new keyboard (and a couple of hours driving to and from my friendly Apple dealer) later I’m back up and running again.

  4. where is the coffee covered keyboard picture?

    by the way you can recycle your old keyboards, I cut the cord off of my last one and gave it to my 7 month old daughter to play with, she loves it.

  5. Darren, you must still be on vacation mode :-)

  6. Too funny…my wife spilled sparkling water into my iBook a few months back, and when all was said and done (letting it dry out for over a week!) the whole thing still works, with one exception – the “)” key no longer functions.

    You can tell when I’m writing from my iBook because I can’t make a standard smiley face :)

    The “super-smiley” face gives it away…


  7. Did that about 2 weeks ago. I was lucky, I was able to open the keyboard on the iBook and was able to wipe it all up. No problems since.

  8. And now you tell me!

  9. The only thing that I would add to that is especially don’t do it on a laptop. I had one friend who put glad wrap over her keyboard because she did it so often.

    We have a policy in my office that only closed drinking containers are allowed. It helps…

  10. Hey Darren,

    Lucky you upgraded to a G5 tower and weren’t still using your PowerBook. Spilling coffee on a laptop is something you don’t want to happen.

  11. ProBlogger Productivity Tip #2
    Don’t do pen tricks with your mobile phone and then accidently spin it into your coffee cup. Especially don’t do it twice. Once with three week old Sony Ericsson k700i + once with brand spanking Moto Razor V3. Not being contactable to ultra needy advertsiers for a few days in each occasion is not the un-pro image a problogger desires.

  12. Cary, you can get around that by holding Alt and typing 0029.

    Oh wait. Mac. Nevermind. I have no idea.

  13. Corollary:

    Spend 10 dollars and have a spare keyboard in the closet.



  14. Another no-no: letting a good friend tip over a glass of wine over your 2 week old Powerbook… its screen simply said: slurrrrrrrrp!
    Covered by friend’s assurance, but not having my laptop for 3 (!) weeks was really sh*tty!

  15. Oh, yes, that’s also very good tip

  16. Take all of the keys off and disassemble the keyboard. Let the circuit board dry, and throw the plastic bits in the dishwasher. Once everything is dry, reassemble, and its like new. However, given how much time that takes, you are better off just buying a new one.

  17. How about modifying your tip to say “No food or drinks near the computer”!

  18. I always wonder what people are thinking when I’m serving beverages in the cabin and the ask for a refill of coffee, holding their cup directly over their laptop. Don’t they know that’s the exact moment when turbulence is going to cause me to pour it all over them?!

  19. How about my wifes gravy.. Sticky keyboards forever.

  20. ha,

    had that with tea (+ sucker) sticky fingers

  21. Ouch, not good. I once saw that done w/ a Pepsi. Bad outcome. ;-(

  22. […] ProBlogger Productivity Tip: Blog Tips at ProBlogger Ouch (tags: funny ouch!) Posted: January 20, 2006 by Nathan Weinberg in: […]

  23. Did this once, but with Nesscafe with Cappucino

    Now I have Black Keyboard and Black Mouse :D

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