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Building 9rules

Posted By Darren Rowse 16th of January 2006 Blog Networks 0 Comments

Colin Devroe has started an interesting series of posts on the topic of how 9rules.com was built. The first in the series looks at the early days and how they used WordPress to accept submissions and add new blogs to the network. This promises to be an interesting series to keep an eye on.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. What’s funny is that I’m interested in reading the series because I work in the system every day and have no idea how Colin worked his voodoo.

  2. LOL – you sound like me mate. I have no idea of half the stuff that goes on in making most of my blogs work/not work ;-)

    I guess that’s the key sometimes – letting those who know what they are doing do their stuff.

  3. […] Building 9rules: Blog Tips at ProBlogger (tags: 9rules blogging) […]

  4. Colin is absolutely ridiculous with that stuff. I’ll hand him an XHTML/CSS prototype of a new page at noon, and after I get back from lunch it’s already implemented and ready to rock. He truly is a magician. I think one of the best professional decisions of my life was aligning myself with Col and asking him to be a part of 9rules.

  5. its good & helpfull because i m going to develop a blognetwork

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