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PubSub Blog Category Lists

Posted By Darren Rowse 8th of November 2005 Blogging Tools and Services 0 Comments

PubSub is starting to categorize bloggers into PubSub Lists. So far they only have four categories – Law, Fashion, PR and Librarians.

What lists would you like to see added? Feel free to add your suggestions in comments below – but perhaps more productive is to let them know – they’re looking for editors so put your hand up and get involved if your list isn’t there yet.

I’d like to see an Entrepreneurial/ProBlogger type list – just wish I had a bit more time to edit it.

found via Steve

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. PubSub is grouping … is this the next thing?

    I think this is a sign of both things to come and that the blogosphere has gotten huge.  PubSub…

  2. Dude, you gotta get a copy of the interview and post it on your site as an .mpg or something.

    Think of the elevation in your already ivory towerish status in the blogosphere ;-)

  3. Oops, for some reason I posted the comment above on the wrong post. How, I have no idea. I thought I was commenting on your post about the Today Show interview. Sorry… it’s before 5am here and I’m not awake yet :-(

  4. I would like to see a Technology List with a mobile device sub-list. These type of lists are cool to see where you rank against others on the list but also allow you to find blogs of interest that you may not have found otherwise.

  5. […] Problogger just posted that PubSub is starting to categorize bloggers into PubSub Lists. So far they only have four categories – Law, Fashion, PR and Librarians. PubSubs’ Community Lists are miniature roadmaps to those influential sites. They combine human expertise with LinkRanks, PubSub’s method of comparing sites to one another by scrutinizing their links. A Community List tells you which sites to keep an eye on and which sites are leading the conversation from one day to the next. Source: Problogger Posted by: Federico on Nov 08, 05 | 8:14 am | Profile [0] comments (0 views) |  [0] Trackbacks   [0] Pingbacks […]

  6. Suggestion from Web 0.1 directories: http://dir.yahoo.com/

    Specifically for geek stuff (a category in itself, maybe too broad): http://del.icio.us/tag/ or http://userscripts.org/
    If you can read the word while standing 3 meters from your screen, than it’s worthwhile, maybe. If you can’t, than it’s a sub-sub-category for sure.

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