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The Blog Manager

Posted By Darren Rowse 30th of August 2005 Pro Blogging News 0 Comments

Peter over at the Blog Studio has written a stimulating post titled The Blog Manager which puts into words some of the things that I’ve been considering recently. He’s wondering if perhaps a new type of job for bloggers is coming – one where an experienced blogger helps individual bloggers manage their sites. He explains it better than I do:

‘I think there’s a huge opportunity to manage these sites. The manager would earn a percentage of the increased revenue. It would have to be done tastefully, and with respect for the audience: ie no selling a crappy e-book just for the sake of the revenue. It’s not in the spirit of the program, and will just backfire anyways.

The manager would be responsible for managing traffic as well as revenue. White hat SEO would factor heavily. As could technical and style issues. The writer could be freed to just blog, or to think, or to whatever. The writer maintains ultimate authority, having to approve changes before they’re made. There is no risk to the writer.’

A blog manager would help other bloggers to reach their potential – as a coach and a mentor but perhaps also be in a hands on way. There could be a few logistical and trust issues involved in determining remuneration for the manager’s services – but I think it’s a legitimate suggestion and a service that many bloggers would sign up for. Would you?

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. I wouldn’t be willing to on a fee basis, no. But perhaps something like: “I’m making x from Google right now. Help me increase that 25% and after that I’ll split any other increase 50/50 for a year” or whatever.. in other words, pay for results.

    But even that gets complicated. Let’s say that the manager wants me to run some ads on my site that I object to on moral grounds. I refuse. They say “but that’s the only way I can increase your revenue”. What then? Or they want me to link to sites I consider objectionable.. and so on.

    Sounds like a sticky mess to me..

  2. I would be game for my PetLvr blog which I’ve been trying to figure out ways to benefit co-authors.

  3. Brauchen Sie einen Blog-Manager?

    The Blog Studio skizziert den Job bzw. die Funktion eines Blog-Managers.
    Dieser sorgt dafür, dass ein Blog-Autor sich um das Schreiben kümmern kann – was jetzt die meisten tun – ohne sich um Technik, Design, Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO), Werbepla…

  4. I could see a good business in this.

    I am doing this type of thing for a friend right now, I helped her get a domain name, get hosting, installed wordpress, installed a theme of her choice, etc. As she is starting to blog I am suggesting things. Once she gets enough posts and traffic I’ll have her sign up for an AdSense account and optimize it.

    Of course, I’m accepting beer as payment from her because she is a friend, but I could see doing this type of thing for a cut of the action.

    One issue I see is unscrupulous managers taking advantage of naive bloggers. If this type of thing becomes popular, it would be nice to see some type of regulations put in place, similar to agents in Hollywood.

  5. @Toivo:

    Is the link to your friend spam?

  6. No, sorry, I fat fingered the URL. it should have been this link. Sorry everyone.

  7. I think that’s a great idea. With a lot of people coming into blogging and not really knowing how to set things up this kind of thing can really help a lot as it removes that fear factor.

  8. How can you put regulations in place? The bloggers and the managers could be anywhere in the world.

    It would be better to have some sort of blog managers’ organisation, where everyone adheres to a code of conduct and basic set of rules, bloggers can leave feedback and recommendations, etc.

  9. It seems pretty similar to the 9rules style of blog network arrangement to me.

  10. I don’t think there needs to be an accredited organization — you simply need good people doing good work. Combine ethics and diligence with a little self-promotion and you could set yourself up. It’s like a good mechanic or plumber: do a good job and word gets around.

    I could see the Blog Manager concept first working in the enterprise world. Helping companies set up, run and optimize blogs could certainly gain some traction. But here’s the kicker: How do you roll the same idea out on the small-blogger side?

  11. I’m in the process of building something similar. I’m looking to target journalists who want a voice outside of their “real jobs”

    The linked to my name in this comment is the “mock up” of the site I’m trying to build. I hope to take it “live” around October 1st.

  12. I wouldn’t worry about orgainziations to start. I think the Manager should be someone with a reputation to lose. That in itself becomes the client’s guarantee. As in all such manager/client arrangements trust is key.

    I don’t think this would work if Joe Blow sets out his shingle and starts calling himself a Blog Manager. Who is he? What’s he done? But if Darren did – well, that’s a different story, isn’t it?

    As for the 9rules comparo, it’s actually quite different. I’m one of the founding members of the 9rules network, so I’ve got some insight there. The Blog Manager would work on a much more hands-on basis that the 9r gang. Think of it as a personal trainer as opposed to an aerobics instructor.

    I’ll leave you with that image.

  13. Bruce, I like that. Great idea.

    Peter, I visited your site. I especially appreciate the 97 remarks. That’s how I feel too. Like I’m on the tail end of a big beginning.

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