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Preach it Jason

Posted By Darren Rowse 25th of August 2005 Pro Blogging News 0 Comments

I think Jason Calacanis might have missed his calling as a tele evangelist (or motivational speaker) in this sermo….I mean post on entrepreneurship over at his blog.

‘We’re Gladiators in this business. Real entrepreneurs fear NOTHING. If we get thrown in the ring with 12 opponents who are twice our size we don’t look at it as sure defeat—we look at it as the opportunity to show the world how quickly we can overcome odds other people see as insurmountable….

When we started Weblogs, Inc. the goal was to do something that main stream media could do, but Brian and I were convinced we could do it better. When we look at CNET, the New York Times, and Time Warner we see weathered Gladiators waiting to be unseated. Delusional? Of course, but how else do convince yourself to enter the ring against uncertain odds? Crazy is an asset…’

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. I say that most wildly successful people are crazy people.

  2. When you can’t go back you only have two options left – improvise, adapt and overcome or die – figuratively speaking of course :)

  3. Why does he say its Delusional? if you don’t aim high you’ll never achieve a thing. It’s not crazy, its good phycology

  4. Names like James Allen (As a Man Thinketh) and Napolean Hill spring to mind. Maybe Jason should write a motivational book. I’d buy it.

  5. If you don’t try, you’ll never find out if it can be done. The strange thing is that it’s the dreamers who change reality, not the realists.

  6. Jason doesn’t have to tell me that all 3 of the media entities he mentioned have a few things in common. Lots of money, a brand name and mediocrity.

    Of course all 3 of those companies aren’t going to do things well because they are trying to dumb down their content to the least common denominator. When you do that, you can’t really do much that is in the way revolutionary. Weblogs Inc. works because it tries to find a different type of audience tired of the mainstream.

  7. I agree with what Jason said completely, but I also wonder if he’s living in a bit of an echo-chamber. I don’t follow all of his blogs by any means, but I have perused his Life Sciences blogs on a number of occassions and I’m not at all sure how re-hashing the same old MSM news without adding extra insight is in any way revolutionary.

    Perhaps his other blogs have a more value-added approach.

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