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Technorati Sale

Posted By Darren Rowse 12th of August 2005 Blogging Tools and Services 0 Comments

B.L. Ochman thinks she has the inside word on the impending sale of Technorati to a large search engine – interesting times we live in. She writes:

‘Here’s a tip I was given this morning from a venture capitalist who is “heavily invested” in the blogosphere: Technorati is about to be sold to a large search engine company. The deal should go down in about a week.’

Update – interestingly Robert Scoble wrote this today:

‘Speaking of fortunes: watch for several acquisitions in the next few months of blog services. The money is starting to flow. The consolidations are starting to happen.’


About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Well Scoble was a bit off the mark, he is almost suggestion that blogs themselves could be purchased, in this case a service that helps blogs survive has been bought, much like Google helps websites survive.

  2. Technorati About to be Bought?

    Ochman thinks she has the inside word on the impending sale of Technorati to a large search engine – interesting times we live in.I doubt it’s Yahoo since they are rumored to be working on their own blog search…. MSN seems to have about the same od…

  3. If it’s true, let’s whoever buys Technorati picks….up…..the….p…a…c…e.

  4. So is the trick to being bought out undergoing a redesign people allegedly will see as more “professional” while having your site’s performance go into the crapper? Neat.

  5. I think post redesign Technorati got a lot more popular. It grew faster than it scaled. Alexa agrees.

  6. They’ve just put 2 and 2 together, there was a strong rumour somewhere (I forget where though) earlier in the week that Google would look at buying into blog search and Technorati is the obvious choice. Scoble is right on the dollar side as well, money is really starting to flow into the sector. Well all have to just wait and see :-)

  7. […] Darren (Problogger.net) found some interesting information on Technocrati. It looks like one of the major search engines (my money is on Yahoo or Google, as they seem to be buying everything) is going to buy Technocrati. ‘Here’s a tip I was given this morning from a venture capitalist who is “heavily invested” in the blogosphere: Technorati is about to be sold to a large search engine company. The deal should go down in about a week.’ […]

  8. […] Problogger has an interesting little blurb about the possibility of Technorati being sold. Apparently BL Ochman received a tip: Here’s a tip I was given this morning from a venture capitalist who is “heavily invested” in the blogosphere: Technorati is about to be sold to a large search engine company. The deal should go down in about a week. via| Whatsnextblog.com […]

  9. […] I’ve been adding Technorati tags to my Axodys posts for most of 2005 and it looks like the tag craze is going mainstream nowThe latest rumor around the blogosphere seems to be that tag portal Technorati is on the verge of being acquired by a large search engine company. To me and others that pretty much means Yahoo or Google. I think such a deal would be a winning situation for just about all parties involved. The one complaint about Technorati that most people seem to have is that it’s a fairly slow loading site. Getting some serious search engine engineering brainpower and infrastructure to shore up the backend would have a nice positive impact. […]

  10. You have to ask yourself, if Technorati was sold to any other company, wouldn’t it look like a defeat for Google, who are known to be moving into blog search? The acquisition of a large, specialized index is the only way they can challenge Bloglines when it finally launches its “world-class blog search service” promised for “this summer”. Google likes to be liked, to have the mojo. Technorati still retains a lot of loyalty in the blogosphere. I would be very surprised if this didn’t go down. It’s the nearest thing to a perfect deal.

  11. Technorati, Blogger, das Gute und das Geld

    Wie sagte Johnny vor kurzem nach der Gründung des Spreeblick-Verlages:
    “Ein beachtlicher Teil der Kritik, die mich zur Verlagsgründung per Mail erreichte, enthielt z.B. Wünsche wie “kümmert euch mal lieber um technorati- und del.icio.us-…

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