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Bloggers Under Attack from German Spammers?

Posted By Darren Rowse 16th of May 2005 Blog News 0 Comments

I’m glad to see I’m not the only one getting hundreds of German spam emails at the moment. Steve thinks there might be a blog link to the issue – or maybe its just that bloggers are talking about it more than others because they have the vehicle (their blogs) to do so.

Update: The Australian picks up the story.

Also I’ve noticed quite a few of the emails I’ve been getting are ‘message failed’ emails and that my email address has been used as a reply address for hundreds of emails.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Hasn’t got through Spaminator to me yet… a couple of froiends have been complaining about it though…

  2. I’ve gotten some of these myself today.


  3. Darren says: 05/16/2005 at 2:25 pm

    actually its not comment spam its email spam…

  4. It is a Nazi Spam caused by an Worm called Sober.q

  5. I don’t think it is blog related email spam as I’ve only received it to my non-blog business domains and have received none to my personal email addy which is where it would go to for me if it was linked to blogging.

  6. About a week ago my Hotmail account contained serveral dozents of mails each day with various german topics and a zip to sum up 73kb for each email – sober said hello…

  7. Not sure if they’re German or not – anything that gets through my spam filters from dubious sounding people (why do spammers think we’d read mail from people called Curlews C. Postlude or Plainclothesmen K. Commit anyway) is now almost auto-filtered by my brain. Being good at word puzzles anyway I know all the variations on most chemicals and pills. I only get about 20 spam emails a day. Only… :)

  8. I noticed a few on my email accounts over the last couple of days but my ISP seems to have written a rule or two and stopped them according to support forums

  9. Darren, I suspect perhaps you are in the address book of some people being under attack by that bots. And yes, it is nazi email spam – we have some local elections in the biggest provence coming up, that is why they think they started it. Be prepared next year, when we have national elections :(

  10. I’ve also had several to my work e-mail (including bounced e-mails sent to long lists of people supposedly from me) but haven’t had any to my gmail address.

  11. Same here gents, except I only got one e-mail but deleted that one. I tend to stay away from POP3 for this very reason and stick with the web mail clients til I can really secure my address books and etc.

  12. Thank goodness for my spam blocker, I’ve gotten quite a bit of the emails. Annoying but otherwise seemingly harmless.

  13. I’m lucky enough I haven’t gotten any in my Gmail or other addresses either, at least none that got passed their spam filters.

    News.com has a story up on it this morning. Definitely caused by the Sober worm. Sounds like a doozy.

  14. I use facebook but till I not get any message of this kind and if I will get any message of this kind I will ignore that.

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