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Pro Blogger of the Year

Posted By Darren Rowse 17th of December 2004 Pro Blogging News 0 Comments

It is that time of the year where bloggers everywhere are giving awards so I thought I’d ask the question – who is the ‘Pro Blogger’ of the Year?

This may not be an official award but I’m interested in people’s opinions and thoughts. What blogger (not blog) would you give the award to? And why?

Would you give it to one of the high profile bloggers like Nick Denton, Brian Alvey or Jason Calacanis who are experimenting with models of earning money directly from blogs?

Perhaps it would be one of those crazy creative bloggers who truely sold themselves to blogging this year, Jeremy Wright or Darren Barefoot.

Or would you give it to someone who is enabling bloggers to earn a few dollars from their site like Henry Copeland from Blog ads or even a blogger who is working to provide a blogging tool like Anil Dash from Six Apart.

Or maybe you have someone like Doc Searls, Jason Kottke, Steve Rubel or Jeff Jarvis in mind.

Or maybe its one of the many emerging probloggers who are quietly going about their business without blowing their own trumpet.

Who would you nominate and Why? What categories would you have if you were giving problogger awards. Perhaps if there is a big enough response we’ll run an inaugural problogger award early in 2005.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Pro Blogger of the Year
    Darren’s begun a discussion over on his ProBlogger site about who should be named Pro Blogger of the Year. More interesting than the nominees would be a discussion of what makes a good Pro Blogger. Any ideas?…

  2. This will count as blowing my own horn, but: Do I count? Heh.

    See the New Media Musings item


    and the dotJournalism item


    and the Blog Herald item


    to get a sense of the background of the current precarious position of Portland Communique, my two-year experiment in one-man, full-time amateur journalism.

    Dubbed a “must read” by Oregon’s largest newspaper, and yet likely folding in about 15 days unless someone thinks of a way to support it.

  3. Enough already, you can’t eat awards
    Not to take away from the honor, er, ego stroking that goes along with winning most awards, here’s something early on in sales that I learned that is very true: you can’t eat pins, plaques and awards. The award that matter…

  4. I like the idea of some quiet blogger who has worked hard stayed with it. He must of great content though and at least worked for a year. I think the bloggers who have traffic and make money have motivation and not just the love of blogging. The quiet bloggers only have self motivation and

  5. Srry I hit enter. What i was going to say is that. Established bloggers have motivation and none don’t. Thats why i like the idea of a quite blogger

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