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31 Days to Building a Better Blog – Day 28

As we approach the end of the 31 Day project I’m feeling a mixture of sadness that readers won’t be submitted their great blog tip posts every day – but also a little relief because the list of submissions is now getting quite massive (I think we’re now over 200 posts – including mine). Here are three more for today:

there is still a few days left to post your own blog tip on your blog and let me know the URL so I can link up.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Hi Darren,

    Since not everyone uses Blogger, I would like to repost this response I left for “How to do Restore Lost Blogger Template Code”.

    It is a valuable tip for every computer user.


    Sooner or later, everyone’s computer is going to crash.

    Save your template for your blog as a text file or word document and upload it to a “My Yahoo” briefcase.

    Then upload EVERYTHING ELSE.

    It’s free, there is a LOT of space there, and it is easy to upload. I’ve uploaded my ENTIRE hard disk to two “My Yahoo” accounts.

    If my machine ever crashes, everything is stored away from here, easy to get to, easy to reload to a new drive.

    I’ve made a habit of adding any new files once a week.

    It’s a “good thing” LOL!

  2. I’ve really appreciated this series. The comments were good too (yours too Marti). I can’t believe how much insight I have gained from both the posts (yours and your readers) and the comments.

    I’d love to see something like this again.


  3. In the first week i read every article, in the second i read just a part of them, in the third week i read the rss-feed with seldom visits to your blog and now in fourth week i hope that at the end you will assemble a great summary of all the input, giving me and others the chance not to miss any useful tips or techniques for building a better blog. i am not sure whether it was a good idea to make it such a long run, but i believe that the endresult will be the best possible this way. great work – must have been a hard job.

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